Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Some ape that nobody has heard of gets his daughter blown up and lads think the war is going to escalate.

Unfortunately this war could just go on like this forever more.

Im sure the principal could have gotten one or a local board member and communicated it across the board yes. Its fairly important

We have two days of meetings starting tomorrow, so yes, if something needs to be communicated it will be done through the principal as is normal

Be sure to report back on the fine detail of “the plan”.


So 2 days of meetings, how long does that leave the implementation to accomodate an influx of thousands of students some of whom may want/need language assistance, special needs etc.

Sure it’ll be grand

He’s on holidays mate. You hardly expect him to check his emails



Were the Ukrainians not mostly all in the country well before school ended last year?

It’s two days of meetings specific to my school and my role,
I’m baffled as to what you want me to say here, I’m only a teacher, I’ll look after whoever is put on front of me and figure out the best way to do that


Will you pledge accommodation ?

You said you were SURE there was a plan. I asked if that is because one was communicated at which point you got arsey

Have you never heard that turn of phrase used before, I should have said ‘I assume’ and certainly would have if I felt it would be read pedantically.

And I don’t believe I got arsey at any stage

Thats arsey mate, proper snide

Gone again

Ah I think he was relatively well known mate.

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I don’t think so, have a look at the post it’s a response to.
I don’t even know what this is about, I just don’t believe that the schools are the main concern in this situation, the schools will find a way to make it work, in my opinion

Would be class if they fired us out a few Ukrainian Maths textbooks translated though, stuff like that. Wouldn’t take much. You’ll look after them of course, nobody doubting that.

They arent the main concern. Housing and finding them jobs are of equal concern

Education is the topic being discussed and this conversation is a perfect example of my point. Nobody has a fucking clue what to do with them. And people think this is good enough. Keep piling them in without any plan.

Childcare is another sector thats fucked. Mainly woman and children are being landed here, they’ve a right to access the labour market which also means a right to childcare. How will that work? Sure they’ll sort it, I presume. It’ll be grand


I suppose they teach maths the same in Ukraine,
Look, it’s a crisis, there’s not easy solutions and it will be very difficult for sone kids, I have faith in the teaching staff that we’ll do our best for everybody, I’ve had Afghan and Syrian kids etc and they’ve thrived

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