Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Why I say Maths, is just one thing I can foresee is Ukrainian lads getting very out of practice with word problems in Maths. Would be something I’d have been happy to see them tip away with in their own language in the beginning.

The implication that I read there is that nothing will be done, no plans made, just hope for the best.
I believe that the Dept and individual schools will work hard to make it work, but like I’m only guessing, same as anybody, so I’ve nothing concrete to offer you, only my experience to date.

I don’t. Some teachers are cunts. Same as all walks of life.

So this crisis began in March, and the teachers have just had 2 months off, in a crisis as you’ve called it. And you don’t even know so much as whether you’ll have a ukranian book.

But again, you’re sure there’s a plan, or they’ll work hard to make a plan. Despite all evidence saying otherwise

This is repeated across all sectors. Nothing sustainable has been done

Is this your new tack? You’ve gone full mental now. You sound like one of our resident right wing bigot lunatics. You’ll be having a full on malarkey style mental breakdown if you keep going with this.

Don’t be virtue signalling then. I havent said anything even remotely far right in any of my posts. Nothing even right leaning

What the fuck do you not understand about crises, or emergencies? The immediate response so far has been fucking remarkable.

In what aspect? What’s sustainable about whats been “achieved”

In a crisis or emergency you don’t fix it by making more crises or emergencies.

Its been 6 months now and nothing has been done. There is nothing immediate about it

I wasn’t aware of the evidence that you cite.
We didn’t have any Ukrainian kids last year but anecdotally the experiences in schools that did was overwhelmingly positive

Kids from Ukraine will be integrated the same way as any non national would be to a new school. They will struggle with the language barrier initially, but over time they will improve. The school community and kids in particular are great in these situations. When you talk about a plan, what did you actually think that entails?


Why don’t you take action for all your question asking? Plant a big burning cross outside a direct provision centre or something?

You want to stop people fleeing war from coming to Ireland. I’d see that as right wing. I’d also call it appalling. Ireland for the Irish? White power!

Where did i say stop?

Don’t lie

Also, stop virtue signalling

What are you doing for all these people?

I want the best possible outcome for both nationalities. Something you obviously aren’t interested in

You clearly don’t know the first thing that has or hasn’t been done you’re talking through your hole. Why don’t you call up the department of education and ask them for “the plan” if you’re so concerned about it?

Why don’t you put your home up for use ?

Nothing has been done.

You specifically said you want to slow them down. How do you do that without stopping people coming? Tell me your plan.

Now you’re adding personalised irrelevant bullshit on top of your racist irrelevant bullshit.

Do you know the difference between an accelerator and a brake?

If you weren’t so angry you could read my posts without flipping out and calling me a fascist

So you calling me fascist isn’t personal. Don’t throw it out if you can’t take it

Blocking people fleeing war from coming to your country is fascist, yes.

You’ve been very clear in your fascist views, you’ve repeatedly stated them.