Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Ok, you’re going on ignore. You aren’t rational.

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Says the lad who wants to block refugees. Esteban O’Duffy himself.

In fairness, he’s changed tack. Yesterday it was demanding peopke be put it twnts and today he’s standing outside tracky’s house screaming at him to read his emails and tell him the plan. Tomorrow will be a belter.

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Thats actually Glas and the like who want people in tents.

More lies

(I presume that is what you meant )

Lads saying he killed his own daughter for some excuse to go in heavier.

Don’t forget demanding that I personally house people.

Better in tents than bombs falling on them. I wonder have you ever paused to consider the concept of “fleeing war”.

There are 10s of thousands fleeing back daily

It’s hard decipher what exactly it is you’re trying to say here.

About 30-50k a day have decided the conditons they’ve been landed in aren’t worth it and are taking their chances in the Ukraine

A consequence of there being no plan to house them, educate them, communicate with them or get them jobs. A dreadful consequence

But you’re ok with it. Pile them in, as long as its not in your house

You surely dont believe shes dead?

I saw her in the coffin.

In fairness, you house a fella who looks kind of Ukrainian…

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Hard to argue with that. Care closed.

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@Tank died so that lads could continue their arguments on obscure Irish “sports” fora.

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Do you really believe he’s dead?

He saw war, returned to the mundane and couldn’t hack it. R.I.P

A plan usually entails predicting possible problems and mitigating against them

Language issues, outside of relying on the community and kids natural ability to pick them up, a plan to have translators in place for serious issues etc. There will be communication barriers. Relying on the “kids” and community isn’t good enough

What about secondary school kids, are there supports in place for them re: language and curriculum? How many will be expected to pick up the Irish curriculum, will Ukrainian curriculum be provided for them?

Logistics - Which schools will they go to? How close are those schools to their temporary accommodation. How will they get to/from school.

How many will stay in the Irish school systems long term? How many will go back? Those going back would be best served by getting remote education. What are the provisions there?

It’s been close on 6 months and it just seems to be fly by night, yerra they’ll be grand type stuff

When you look at the scale we have now - just in time might be just about working. But if the war escalates and the situation gets worse, we can’t scale without planning and joined up thinking and nothing tangible is being done in any sector

Hard to argue with that. Case closed

my reading of his update email was that he saw the death, horror & the worst of mankind on the eastern front & survived but he didnt think he was mentally right & strong enough to continue posting on TFK