Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)


50k in a population of five million. How will we ever cope.


You have to laugh at the anecdotal good news stories in thread re classrooms. I know a rake of teachers and they are expecting a shit show next year. Back in April when most kids started rolling in it was a novelty and well into second term. The kids were largely just there and engaged with here and there with activities more than anything… Different ball game heading into a new year. Teachers and resources are going to be pulled all over the place and of course Irish kids are gonna suffer. The likes of @Gman getting giddy because underage GAA numbers are up at the expense of our own kids getting a proper education sums it all up really… All feel good anecdotal stuff and just doesn’t want to know about the reality of the situation.

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I blame the split season for lads using the tin foil for hats rather than sangwidges

You’ve picked out a random sentence and responded in a way that highlights how incredibly angry and reactive you are.

We are barely coping with 50k you plug. That’s my point

We can’t house, educate or get them jobs. Which is why they’re all fucking off back to the Ukraine in their droves. Which will be a massive problem if it escalates and we’ve done fuck all in the interim to make it sustainable.

I’ve never met anyone so wilfully ignorant

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I’m not sure where to begin with this one.


We are coping. Of course it’s difficult, it’s fallout of war and it’s an emergency. We will continue to cope.

You’ve researched this have you? Bullshit, obviously.

You want the results of an unprecedented war made sustainable overnight do you? Sustainability is your bugbear is it?

You’ve spouted shite for two days straight and you keep coming back with more despite a plethora of responses contradicting everything you’ve said. Christ above.

It’s been 6 months.

We’re coping :rofl:

Thousands are about to be kicked out of student accommodation, we’re on school holidays and it’s relatively mild in tents because it’s summer.

Or do you mean that you’re coping?

And when the summer ends they’ll be in hotels. Its not great but its better than being blown up and its temporary

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Why are they heading back to Ukraine in tens of thousands ?

There are many publications highlighting the same.

Why would they be going back? The situation they left isn’t as bad as where they ended up when there were no jobs or accommodation.

Them going back is very very bad in the long term if this escalates.

Its because of a rushed and unplanned response from the Europen Union and its member states

Because they always wanted to go back? Because much of the country is now safe to return to?

By god…

And there are still the same coming out? Maybe it isnt as critical on the ground right now and we can slow down and do some forward thinking and plan around a bleak winter?

Would you say thats appropriate ?

How thick are you, genuinely?

You’ve @padjo , @Julio_Geordio and Glas telling us living in a tent is better than being bombed… Emotionally brow beating so to speak… Then they are telling us it’s safe to return there :person_shrugging:t2:. These bleeding hearts are all over the shop.

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Most people who left the country thought they would only be gone for a few weeks. A lot of people are taking their chances on going home because the west of the country is fairly quiet, end family separation and send the kids to school if they can. The refugees from the liberated areas of the east could be a different story.


Cop on ffs

Which is my point there is an opportunity now to get things right, slow down take stock and plan for worst case. The winter could be brutal. It needs a massive amount of forward planning

I won’t wait on an apology from someone as angry and irrational as @glasagusban