Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

It is a bit fanciful the open coffin whilst the Land cruiser was burnt out to the shell tbf.

You couldn’t be up to those Russians.

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I saw the nasty cross burning post. These bleeding heart headbangers get very irate when their point of view isn’t entertained.


You called it from the off tbf.

You want to block people fleeing war from coming to Ireland. I think that is deplorable and pathetic. I think anyone that holds such a view is a small minded bigot at best. I think you should be ashamed of yourself.

Where did i say block?

You decided what i think, and what my political leanings are and called me a racist because i wanted a rational response to the crisis.

There should only be one of us ashamed of themselves, but i certainly wouldn’t expect someone as morally virtuous as you think you are to feel it.

You’ve made a show of yourself

Where did i say block or stop. Thats yourself you quoted

Like i said, i don’t expect an apology from you

I thought something happened. All things said i think this estanban lad is a great addition to the form. A warm welcome


Explain your “slow down” proposal so? You’ve spent two days complaining about Ukrainian refugees. A minute ago you wanted a pause (meaning block).

Why don’t you man up and own your views instead of trying to worm out of them?

You’ll get no apology off me, you’ve disgraced yourself.

Sure I was the first to welcome him back there the other day.

I think the Ukrainians will be a great addition to Ireland. If we take in 100 or 200 thousand so be it in my opinion. They will contribute to society just like everyone else. I have zero problem with that.

I do think though that there needs to be a plan for them as @estebandaface has alluded to. You can’t just throw thousands of people into tents etc. They are at a disadvantage already as very few speak English etc.

I’d also query why 90% of the people who were taking them into their homes back in March have not done so. They got massive kudos on social media but they havent followed through on their promises unfortunately.

Varadker and McIntee being two notable high profile examples.

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and you were calling me a Nazi a day later…

I’ve outlined what I think would be an appropriate measure to take and why now is an appropriate time to do it. I’ve rationalised every opinion i’ve had.

You’ve done nothing but stick your fingers in your ears and call me a fascist.

If you had more manners I’d explain it to you again but you deserve fuck all manners on here. You’re a prick


can you show me where I said pause?

I haven’t once given out about Ukrainian refugees. I’ve given out about the response to the crisis.

Again I won’t expect an apology from the likes of you.

I haven’t backed down in any of my views, I’ve outlined my opinion, and rationale behind it. I am not ashamed of anything i’ve said here. You definitely should be

Any man who isn’t ashamed of that post, in the context of what’s been discussed here is deranged

I right rascal

I think 500,000 is a good number, they will help build Ireland into a proper country, like the Turks did in Germany in the 1960’s


I think the issue is the vast majority who offered accommodation were not contacted at all by authorities.
But that would make sense as vested interests are coining the State money.

It’s unfair to say that @estebandaface has an issue with Ukrainians coming into Ireland when he clearly called out the Governments lack of basic planning into making the transition in any way smooth or fair to the refugees.

I don’t think it’s unfair to ask that question

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Anyone small enough to be grumbling about people fleeing war, is deranged.

A fascist.

You’re a beaten docket. Admit you were wrong and move on.

I haven’t grumbled about anybody fleeing war. That’s a tangent you completely fabricated to justify your irrational anger

You havent backed up any of your lies. Fuck away now and annoy someone else you rat

@estebandaface has some very good points.

It is a shit show unfortunately. War situation its fair enough. I know in Limerick at the moment they don’t know where they’re going to put a lot of the ukrainian people as the students come back to their student accomodation.

The lack of English is a big problem. A close family member of mine has being dealing with them directly in terms of getting them English language courses etc in the city. Vast majority are the absolute finest. Same as ourselves but throwing thousands of them into tents or the equivalent isnt going to be good.

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