Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

There are some DANGEROUS LUNATICS who don’t want this war to go ahead

It’s just as well she didn’t, she probably would have threatened the Ukrainians by mistake

Did you read the Anne Applebaum article? Tell us what you disagree with and why.

How has your policy of appeasement worked out in the past?

The west absolutely should be threatening the Russians, and very seriously threatening them. That is the best way to both i) avert war and ii) ensure Ukraine maintains control over its own destiny.

You escalate the stakes so your enemy backs down.

ii) is a prerequisite for i).

So the US is escalating things?

I did. I already quoted the passage I found laughable for you. Not only did I think it was pointless stuff to say, the fact that the woman writing the article thought truss should say it shows how clueless she is. It was really a stupid piece from a clearly clueless commentator. I’m surprised the Atlantic published it.

This is the opposite of what most statepeople think and advocate. You sound like some dumbass American neo-con (shite)hawk.

“Escalating the stakes so your enemy backs down” is exactly what he is complaining about Putin doing. He’s all over the shop

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Russia need to be on the receiving end of a “fire and fury” speech

@TreatyStones needs to comment on this

You have not. And you have come up with nothing in the way of explanation as to why your preferred policy of kissing Putin’s ring will achieve anything. Where has it achieved anything up to now?

It isn’t. What you believe is not what Russia experts with their heads screwed on think and we have 22 years of demonstrable evidence that it does not work.

Shouting dumb slogans like you are is not helping your case.

Do you think Britain and France were right to let the Nazis invade Czechoslovakia? Should they have stood by when Poland was invaded too?

Putin is escalating the stakes because he is a dictator who wants to invade his neighbour, a free country.

Escalating the stakes back is designed to stop the dictator Putin invading that free country.

It is clear you don’t give a damn whether free countries are invaded by dictatorships.

I have. I’d link the post for you where I quoted the laughable piece for you but you know well where it is, you’d prefer to tell lies and ignore points. It’s oddly like “debating” with Fulvio…


You don’t give a shit about this. You see Putin as a baddie - which he is - so you run looking for someone to take him on militarily. You don’t give a shit if war happens and people die, you want brinkmanship and strong man action and results now because you’re too arrogant and simple to see any other way.


Putin has EU over a barrel , well a pipeline …

The Germans would want to start firing back up those Nuclear reactors


You have not. Again, I asked you to explain where your preferred policy of kissing Putin’s ring has worked, and why it would work now. You have not done this.

Your invocation of the pretend Italian is a demonstration of how weak your position is.

What a superb response. How could I ever come back from that.

It is the likes of you who don’t give a shit, who refuse to see the consequences of selling out a free country and giving Putin what he wants.

And if do what you want to do, you get war, and the complete selling out of a free country to a dictatorship. Your attitude is, “Ukraine, shure aren’t they on the far side of Europe, and presumably they don’t know any better than dictatorship, shure weren’t they under the Russian jackboot for centuries, and they’ve only been independent for 30 years, so Russia has a right to reimpose the jackboot on them, that’s the natural order of things, shure we can sacrifice them.”

That’s what you think.

“Who cares”, basically.

That is lily livered appeasement.

And it won’t stop there. Appease Putin now and watch democracy in the west crumble as he inflicts asymmetric warfare all over Europe, as he has already done in the US.

Europe can find alternative energy sources to Russia if it really wants to. It would be inconvenient, annoying and difficult, but it is doable.

NordStream 2 would not increase the amount of energy coming into Europe. The aim of it is to bypass the pipelines that transit through Ukraine.

NordStream 2 should remain shut whatever the circumstances.

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How long to get an alternative set up?

Construction of liquid natural gas terminals takes 2-4 years apparently. But an “alternative”, in terms of selling gas, is a question that Russia will have to answer too if it decides to turn off the taps. Consequences are not a one way thing.

No it isn’t. Don’t be fucking stupid.

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NATO and nothing else?