Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

To be fair to @Tank that’s not how the wsr was sold to breda, karen and the rest of you eejits. Shur you were promised a green t shirt, a squadron full of young Ukrainian wimmin and nothing more arduous than shooting bogged russian tanks with free javelin missiles

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Immigration into Ireland has been a massively positive thing so far overall. But we have to make sure the people coming in can contribute and are able to do so.

To not do so, will lead to problems and @estebandaface is correct on that.

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You wont be laughing when we have Andrey and Artim hopping off ye Limerick cunts when we win our next All Ireland in 20 years.


here’s a synopsis of what happened

I asked a few questions around the response and why there wasn’t a more concrete plan in place around education, housing and labor (3 rights Ukrainians are granted under EU temporary protection)

I asked whether or not we could slow down the intake of refugees while we got a plan in place to make it more sustainable and longer term for the refugees coming in

Glas went mental saying these people had bombs landing on their head and it was a brilliant overnight response (there are people going back to the Ukraine in 10’s of thousands and it’s been ongoing since March)

Now is a perfect time to take stock… filter the numbers coming in, get the logistics right, get plans in place, start a plan from ramping up how we get these people in, safely and correctly…

And before someone has a period about the terms filtering or whatever… start saturating supports in regions close to the crisis, so there are less language barriers, there is easier ingress and egress to allow for dynamic movement to and from Ukraine in response to the War and hot spots. If people are long term in support then have plans to migrate them further west with joined up thinking so they aren’t taking their chances going back to the Ukraine. Because when they have to come back out it will be even worse. Less planned and more of them to facilitate

But no. I get called a fucking fascist

“slow down”, “filter”. Why not say block when you mean block?

You want to block people fleeing war from arriving here, you’ve said it repeatedly.

That’s certainly a fascistic view.

fuck yourself you ignorant prick

I have never said block and i don’t mean block. You don’t decide how I think or speak. As much as you want to you fucking lunatic

You’ve been wrong about literally every discussion point and have resorted to ad hominem attacks at every stage

Tell me how you want to slow down and filter then? You mean block.

Dya know what, even just looking at things and saying: “Can we do this better?”

Maybe leave the Ukrainian lads in UL, refund the on campus accomodation deposits and let students go back to remote learning. Like, the universities will have to provide some form of remote learning anyway for students as the accommodation just isn’t there.

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you haven’t even the courtesy to read the posts before getting your fanny wet. That’s the last bit of courtesy you’ll get.

what happens when the subsidies run out and the hotels fuck them out? Temporary protection is for 12 months

Standard lefty headbanger response. Manipulating language to create outrage.

We’ve gotta think of something. Maybe student accommodation and put the stuff online is one way imo. Tough on students who want the full experience of college but its a war. Very hard to know, we’ve got to pull something out.

We could do something with derelict buildings as well maybe, but we’d need to get on it.

Thats a great idea, the Irish students are well used to remote learning after covid, another few years at home won’t do them any harm


we’ve had 6 months. Literally nothing has been done. It’s a dreadful, dreadful response

Please God we pull something out.

he hasn’t backed up any of his lies. the paper trail is there.

Where like Poland? They’ve taken in 2 million with open arms.

What safe bordering countries speak the same languages?


They’re not cattle. You don’t round people up and “migrate them”.

This is entirely their choice at every stage.

Christ above.

Do we respond like this and turn irish people’s lives upside down for every war or what?

none of your response makes sense. you’re hysterical. You haven’t challenged anything I’ve said.

Mainland Europe I spose, this one hits home. Sad this shit is still going on.