Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

So just white wars? Ok.

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only white people

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124 unread posts. I thought maybe the Russians had dropped a nuclear bomb.

It was only Ewan continuing his mental breakdown.


But college is about House parties & sessions

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Its not right I know, but seeing Europeans bombed to shit affected me more

Mate it would be fucking tragic. My neighbour works security in UL and he said theyre out soon.

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Poland, Moldova, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Macedonia.

Many of those countries communicate with Russian and do you not think it would be a damn sight better than being 1000’s of miles away with no communication

What don’t you understand about it, getting people back to the Ukraine from closer to the Ukraine is a lot easier than further away, it’s basic logic, probably on me expecting you to understand basic logic

that’s exactly what is happening. Do you think they have brochures with ideal destinations. Christ, you’re simple

A pure beaten docket…

You have no response bar some faux outrage and virtue signalling. No logic, no rationale, no anything.

again, before you get your fanny wet with outrage. I’m not saying stop. I’m saying slow down moving them West, use what’s available in the East first. Plan for mass migration and worst case scenarios in the West. Get things set up. Because it’s a damn sight harder to move someone from Ukraine to Ireland than it is from Ukraine to Poland or Moldova

Have you any idea of the scale of the damage caused by the last migration in Germany, both communities have been massively impacted with the lack of forward thinking with the Syrian migration… but thats grand… do it again. It’ll be grand

*pick one sentence and get irrationally angry again.

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In fairness you cannot mention the war in Yemen.

All wars are abhorrent is a fact.

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So you want other countries to take the refugees? That would be better you think? Surprise surprise.

Damage caused by migration? Surprise surprise.

This is genuinely really pathetic stuff.

Before you insult me again can you outline your ideal policy @glasagusban ?

Just let as many people migrate wherever they want, regardless of the supports, structures or capabilities in place for them ?

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Yes mate. Mass migration causes huge damage when done incorrectly.

Why is it genuinely pathetic ? Use one coherent argument to counter what I’ve said? Instead of insults try debating. You can’t

We’ve established that bombs aren’t landing on their heads at the moment and the winter will be tough.

What’s logically wrong with anything I’ve said ?


a non partisan report

In Greece and Italy, for instance, a majority of respondents stated their countries would be a worse place to live in if an increasing number of people from different races, ethnic groups, and nationalities lived there. Most respondents in Germany, Greece, Italy, and the U.K. agreed with the statement that refugees would increase the likelihood of terrorism in their respective countries.

The crisis has severely affected Turkey as well, since most Syrians who live in cities reside in slums and face social isolation, deepening the cultural rift already present between refugees and local citizens. Negative attitudes toward refugees may increase as shantytowns and makeshift housing areas grow, and as the government is increasingly pressed to provide adequate jobs, infrastructure, transportation, schooling, security, and other public services to the refugees.

Challenges faced by first-generation immigrants in the E.U. while trying to find suitable employment include a lack of language skills and the inability to transfer qualifications from one country to another. Nationality, religion, and social background are also barriers to obtaining jobs in Greece and Italy.

**again before getting your fanny wet… these are the findings of the report… not my words

The Syrian refugees participating in this study showed a low QOL score in the assessment of all domains compared to the normal population, especially regarding social relations and psychological; it was associated with socioeconomic factors, such as housing, asylum duration and marital status. This calls for urgent societal and political efforts to strengthen the social living conditions of Syrian refugees in Germany.

Housing, education, language barriers, employment… recurring themes as to why these people have a miserable existence and can’t integrate into their new environment. All these issues lead to a tendency for crime and suspicion from locals. That is unplanned migration. That is what you’re in favour of.

The EU’s response to this has been outrageously bad, taking one localised issue and creating thousands of issues across Europe… basically like trying to put out a forest fire with gasoline.

If it wasn’t for local agencies and good will these people would be completely fucked. Good will runs out… that isn’t me being a cunt, that is just the nature of it. With no joined up thinking, or plans for sustainability this becomes a monumental fuck up, on top of a monumental crisis. Nothing has been done that I can see to make it any better from when it started until now, here at least. I don’t know what you can argue against that.

If this scales up right now - lets say for example it doubled in the next month, how would Ireland deal with it?

I see the department of foreign affairs is reopening our embassy over there.
Fairplay to them.

And bombs reigning down on them @padjo

Where? Ukraine?

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Thankfully life seems to be some bit back to normal in Kiev/kyiv.

Will ye get a few lads to bolster the underage numbers do you reckon?

Our policy at the moment is the correct one. We will accept as many people fleeing the war as want to come here and we will support them as best we can because it is the right thing to do.

that’s my whole point, we aren’t doing that.