Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

That’s how it works.

I have said since February that the invasion of Ukraine was wrong. Peace is key here pal, this war is only going to continue without it.

Talk of nuclear warfare is extremely dangerous. We are all gone if that was to happen.

The war will continue until it is won. There will be no peace until then.

Putin has only ever been as secure as the pockets he’s filling.

Money talks and he has wedges in far too many external pockets.

If the average Joe in Russia ever knew a fraction of where state money has ended up and for Putins gain there would be massive change very quickly

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Russia have 2000 nuclear missiles so, we need to be diplomatic.

Peace and diplomacy is the only way forward @Cheasty

Its true.

So we live our lives looking over our shoulders forever?

Putin needs removal. The common Russian citizen doesn’t want global war fare no more than you or I

Some sort of agreement is in everyones interest. The alternative does not bare thinking about mate and the brits pretending that they’re a great bunch of lads is a fucking joke in imperial terms.

Russia have China and others on their side. We need to be careful.

Id say they know full well Harry but are justifiably afraid to rock the boat.

A woeful cesspit.

Imagine what would happen to the boo boys down at the Collins gig if they tried that at a similar function in the motherland?

China won’t bomb their entire customer base ffs. Who’ll buy their shite?

There is probably a load of headbangers on twitter willing to see the world end via a nuclear war so they can feel good about themselves.

Not me. The world isn’t perfect lads but you have to try and get on with things.

More Ukrainian people are going to die in this war the longer it goes on. Does Borris or Liz give a fuck about them soldiers?

The fuck they do.

Peace is what is needed, asap. Terms can be negotiated etc then.

Peace is not achievable as long as Putin is breathing

Its very achievable in my opinion.

Whats the alternative??

Are you joining @Tank ?

Putin wants Europe.

Have you a link for that, mate?

The day Russia gets what it wants by threatening nuclear weapons is the day the west ends and the day China and Russia assume control of the world.

And it will be the day which decides that the basic freedoms you enjoy will end sooner or later.

The stakes are just as high as World War II here, perhaps higher.

Nobody in the west wants to admit this. They will be forced to.

Total victory is the only thing that will suffice. If that means forcible large scale population transfers, ie. every pro-Russian forcibly moved out of Crimea or anywhere else in Ukraine, so be it.

Russia has brought that sort of thing to the table through its genocide, through its forced deportation of millions, including the separation of children from their parents and forced adoption.

Russia has opened a Pandora’s Box that nobody wanted opened. Russia’s fault, Russia’s fault alone. Nobody’s else’s fault, not a scintilla.

Meanwhile we have cossetted, entitled, racist to the core gobshites, radicalised by the internet, whinging about refugees in this country. They are not remotely in touch with reality.

@cheasty, it was Liz truss threatening a nuclear war above in your post 10 posts above from the daily mail of all places.

I wouldn’t have you down for a consumer of that shite.

I as a human being just want this war to end to tell you the truth. There won’t be a winner. Just innocent civilian losers all round.

Peace talks will happen eventually. I would love to see them happen tomorrow.

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You aren’t living in the real world.

Calls for “peace” now are as idiotic as calls for “peace” when the Nazis occupied most of Europe.

Freedom is hard won. It doesn’t come cheap and it is and will always be threatened by monsters. You don’t understand that.


Putin is playing the long game here. His plan for Ukraine whilst stymied by his miscalculation of their response has slowed him.
But his ace in the pack is splintering the West by hurting its populations pockets.

He has infiltrated American & British politics.

Governments now have to stand up to him at all costs.

Ok, even if you’re 100% right which I don’t think you are,

With the nukes they have at their disposal, what are the real life options other than cowardly sending weapons into the Ukranians?

For me a peace deal, even if it doesnt suit is a no brainer.

I can’t see Ukraine winning this?

The longer the war goes on the more innocent Ukrainians are going to be killed.