Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

And what happens next time Russia want to invade another country? Let them do that as well?

I’d let them into Tipp to be fair.

Sure you’d let them invade anywhere they want by the sounds of it

Yeah we should really listen to you, a self confessed zero covid zealot that wanted everyone locked up, now you’re talking about basic freedoms as Roy would say “give me a break”. The only way out of this conflict is negotiation and an agreement your approach would lead us all to be wiped out.


Have you read any of my posts on the matter?

Come back to me when you do, like a good man.

There’s a massive delusion in the west about the extent to which Russian influence and and information warfare has been successful.

Trump and Brexit were Russian influence operations. The entirety of Russian society is choreographed and they are being very successful in the west at it too.

The ultimate plan is to cause such chaos and division that pro-Russian governments are installed and put the kibosh on Ukraine.

Italy will be the first big test case. The really big one will be November 2024 in the US, when the war could easily still be going on.

Thank fucking Christ Biden is in the White House at the moment, not Trump. But elections come around quickly.

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It’s staggering, frightening even

Yes I have read your post. Now answer my questions above

Posts, plural kid.

Quote them or fuck off for yourself you simple fucker.

Florida Lead GIF


Incorrect. You asked have I read any of your posts. See below. I have and responded to one of them. Now will you answer my question?

Zero Covid was very successful. It was a bridge strategy to get countries to a position where the vaccine would do the rest. Those that used it wisely fared the best in the world.

But apparently you know better, eh.

You know nothing.

I warned that this war would happen months in advance despite gobshites like you calling me a warmonger and saying I was crazy.

So yeah, I think you’d do well to listen to me, because I’ve demonstrated that I know of a hell of a lot more about all this than you or anybody else here do.

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The guy that’s an expert on everything thinks everyone else has been radicalised by the internet and is not in touch with reality.

The ironing is unreal.


I don’t see your reply buddy??

David Frum is a Republican and was one of those who used to be deluded. He isn’t any more.

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where candidate Trump publicly beseeched Russian intelligence to purloin and publish his opponent’s emails - and then Russia intelligence immediately did so. 1/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where Trump’s campaign manager shared proprietary campaign polling information so that Russian intelligence could target Facebook advertising more effectively. 2/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where Trump’s campaign team met with Russian agents in hope that those agents would share clandestine information about their campaign opponent. 3/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where the Russians dangled a huge real-estate payoff in front of Trump during the 2016 election campaign, and Trump repeatedly lied about it. 4/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where one of Trump’s closest confidantes - who’d eventually receive a pardon from Trump - reached out to Julian Assange in prison to coordinate the timing another round of purloined Clinton emails just before voting day. 5/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where at exactly the time he was hoping the Russians would publish their purloined Clinton emails, he told the New York Times that he wouldn’t defend Estonia (and by implication other new NATO members) against Russian aggression. 5/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the time when he met the Russian ambassador and foreign minister in the Oval Office, banned all US press, and then blabbed to them that Israel was running a super-secret operation inside ISIS. 6/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where Trump’s first nominee for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, lied to the Senate about meeting Russia’s ambassador, even though he himself had no reason to lie, because he knew something bad was happening, but he didn’t know what. 7/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where Kevin McCarthy, then the Republican number 2 in the US House, joked in a private meeting that “we all know” Russia pays Trump. The attendees laughed, until Paul Ryan hushed them. 8/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where President Trump’s aides kept trying to prevent him from meeting alone with Putin, he did it anyway, and then Trump seized the translator’s notes and destroyed them. 9/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where he said on TV that he fired FBI director Comey to shut down the investigation of Trump-Russia. 10/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where on TV he denounced Montenegrin accession to NATO as likely to provoke World War III, even though Montenegro is more than 2000 km from Russia, because Russian oligarchs liked to park yachts and launder money in Montenegro. 11/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where Trump’s son said that the family business was kept afloat during the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 by Russian money. 12/ x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where Trump tried to sabotage weapons deliveries to Ukraine. 13/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where the Department of Justice indicted a dozen Russian intelligence officers for helping the Trump campaign in 2016. 14/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where senior Trump aides - including Trump’s national security adviser - lied to the FBI about their contacts with Russian intelligence. 15/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where ex-president Trump - surely mindful of his reputation as a Russian stooge and aware that a few empty words would commit him to nothing - still could not bring himself to condemn Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. 16/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where it’s become a test of Trump-loyalty in the GOP to oppose military aid to Ukraine so Ukrainians can defend themselves against Russian invasion. 17/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where Trump’s most intense supporters also intensely support the network of European far-right political parties subsidized and coordinated by Russia. 18/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where Russian TV regularly assures viewers that their country’s best hope for winning in Ukraine is Trump’s return to office in 2024. 19/x

Trump-Russia a hoax? Except for the part where Trump’s own top security aides almost unanimously agree he’d have tried to withdraw from NATO in a second term, abandoning eastern Europe to Putin.



Eh, you already responded to it without addressing the questions.

The only difference between @Cheasty and Putin is that one of them is in control of 400 million Russians and the other is in control of a pigeon loft in suburban Galway city.


Peace - diplomacy @the_man_himself

It needs to happen. Sabrina Higgins was dead right.

She is hardly a far right extremist is she?

Look mate, we could say that about a lot of countries.

Thank god we have you and sid to keep us all up-to-date on it