Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

It’s part of the old territory of the USSR. It doesn’t matter if it was land as bad as the Burren, Putin still would want it.

Why didn’t he continue on after taking Crimea?

As a secondary issue I would say it is, provision of water to annexed Crimea for example. It isn’t the main driver though. These are blood and soil Russian nationalism and geopolitical strategy to destroy western democracy and liberal societies.

The priority was securing the sea ports for further adventures.

He tried to and failed (with the exception of Donbas) in 2014 through his attempted Novorossiya insurrections. The aim was to take around half of Ukraine, including the entirety of the Black Sea coast, and landlock a rump Ukrainian state.

If he was to move on Ukraine is it really in the interests to have to do their business outside of a lucrative European market once sanctions are levelled at them?

I have. Here it is

Because you made it up. Stop telling lies.

I’ve advocated for talks, negotiation, peaceful resolution. You’ve consistently advocated only for escalation.

Hard to see your own hypocrisy shown up to you, I know. “Lily livered appeasement”, you moron.

Here’s a straightforward question for you that goes to the heart of the issue I think. What do think is more important, Ukraine’s absolute sovereignty and right to join NATO, or avoiding a war and tens of thousands dead?

If Ukraine could maintain full independence as a state as long as it agreed not to join NATO, and that would satisfy Russia and avoid war, would you take that option or refuse to back down on your principles and see Ukraine invaded? Serious question, in case you do want discuss the situation seriously.

That’s an easy one to answer. Ukraine’s sovereignty and its right to make its own decisions is the most important thing. In the exact same way that the sovereignty of Poland was the most important in 1939. Britain and France did not want war in 1939. Your argument says it was Britain and France who wanted war, not the Nazis. It was the Nazis who wanted war.

Ukraine isn’t looking for war. The west isn’t looking for war. Russia is, and those who think Ukraine should be thrown under the bus are unintentionally doing Russia’s bidding for it. And they are helping to bring war closer by doing so.

The best way to avert war is by standing up to Russia - and that means threatening it that if starts a war, it will be massacred. That is the way you get tyrants to back down. No other way.

Why should Ukraine do that? Why would you agree to ever give up any form of deterrence against a tyrant who wants to destroy your country?

And that will not satisfy Russia. You refuse to understand Putin in the same way Britain and France refused to understand Hitler. You think he can be reasoned with through “diplomacy”. He can’t. He can only be made to back down through standing up to him. Putin wants Ukrainian capitulation. You say capitulation should be on the table. No it shouldn’t.

I really don’t think he is bothered. Putin is interested in his legacy now.

So, if it’s a straight choice between giving up a tiny amount of sovereignty - the right to join NATO - or war, you’d choose war?

How do the poles see this? They surely have a stake in the outcome

Well the people are pro Ukranian and the Government also are. But the Government have been copying Putin and Orban’s tricks for taking away democracy for a while now.

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Only Vladimir Putin has any intention of choosing war.

Others can choose to make it as difficult as possible for him or to roll over and have their bellies tickled by him.

You think the latter is the wise course of action. It isn’t.

In all fairness. There is nothing to see here thankfully. Putin was never going to create WW3. Why would he? How would it benefit him or Russia?

He is a young global leader graduate at the end of the day.

That gas pipe is what its all about. That and Merkel leaving office. She carried terrible WWII guilt. The poor craytur.

The new fella, whats his name again?

That’s what this lad said

We are good Mike. Thankfully they are all too closely aligned.

It’s all good lads. Boris has wagged the finger at Vladimir. That’s told him

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Seems like the Wednesday warning and wholesale distribution of intelligence to the media was to signal an off ramp for Russia? They’re talking now of their military exercises finishing in the next few days.

Putin can have an off ramp whilst still finger wagging at the West for being the aggressors.

Who knows with Putin though.

Off ramp of negotiations being conspicuously kept open at every point. The purpose of briefing an imminent invasion was to take away the false flag operation excuse for invasion.

Do you think they’ll go to war