Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Thats a bit of a cuntish post

Good response

Your friend is.

He didn’t say that as far as i can see. He stated the numbers.

Those are factual numbers.

He stated nowhere that one caused the other. He might mean it and i can’t speak for him or your interpretation of those numbers but they’re matter of fact.

He isn’t my friend

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I’d love to see these countries that have no homeless and are well equipped to welcome thousands of refugees into their country

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Exactly. So why did the EU sign off on temporary protection for a non EU nation?

Unprecedented and a terrible precedent

Ukrainians or Russians for that matter are honestly very welcome here.

I personally have great time for eastern europeans. They have a very similar outlook on life to us. They want to get on in life etc.

They work hard and will contribute well once given the opportunity to do so.

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His post implies that Ukranian refugees were getting preferential treatment which is clearly incorrect. I’m hoping he isn’t dumb enough to think that homeless means out on the street. I’ve asked him twice now.

I can’t speak for him or what you interpreted from it pal

What the fuck are you trying to say there?

He’s trying to be glib and failing, as usual

An awful gobdaw

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Speaking of dumb,wanker,Do you see any Ukrainians in sleeping bags on the streets?

I see plenty of Irish at it you fuckn prick.

Answer that.

Because that irish child is very unlikely to spend more than a night or 2 in that extreme emergency situation and they get homed in a semi permanent location in their locality. They wont get sent from Cork to Bunratty for 6 months not knowing where they will be sent to then or how long it will last for. Sending a homeless irish family to a hotel for months on end is no solution either. The Ukrainians in emergency accommodation here got no say in where they went and it was pot luck for them. Irish homeless are accommodated in their town near family and friends. If they could be sent wherever they were told to go to it potentially would help reduce numbers, but again, thats not a realistic option either.

The homeless situation here is dire, and has been for years. Ukrainians in hotels or other temporary emergency accommodation has had pretty much no affect on the homeless issue here.


Exactly what I wrote. Some people here (not you) seem to think that Ireland are an anomaly in that we have homeless and don’t have adequate space for refugees

If we turfed out all the Ukranian refugees in the morning do you think those on the streets would all head indoors?

It has mate. It is creating an avenue for hatred. We cannot accomodate the numbers coming in but have to take them and put them in hotels while irish people are sleeping on floors. Irish kids.

Now, that is wrong to me. I don’t hate anyone for it but if I or one of my own were sleeping on a floor and i was seeing pictures of people being put up in luxury a night after landing I’d be fair fucking angry.

You’re wrong about a night or two too. Some families are in emergemcy places a lot longer.

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Only 2 what?
Is it 5 star hotels, I don’t know.

But is there Ukrainian families being put up in 5 star hotels at the height of tourist season?
What hotel is it?

Thats just basic common sense.Fuckn idiots on here arguing against you because they cant see whats coming down the line.

And the irony of accusing people of being dumb​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

We never had homeless before the war in Ukraine mate

Why weren’t these hotels an option for Irish people instead of Edel house or Cork Simon? Think carefully

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