Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Unlike other ill reared apes on here,ill reply with respect.
Use google and figure it out yourself or better still ring around and im sure with a bit of charm,the receptionist will tell you whats what.

Fuckin hell mate, there’s no need to be so cryptic, I’m not even doubting you, just wondering which hotel it is, there must be close to 100 5 star hotels in the country, I’m not gonna ring around, I’m just intrigued when hotel beds were so expensive this year and cheaper hotels probably would have been more likely to be targeted

They are mate. Did you miss the whole scandal about Irish homeless being put up in hotels and what a disgrace it was?


He said KK


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It is a scandal. And always will be.

But there are Irish people in sleeping bags in simon houses and charitable houses tonight while Ukranians are getting turndowns. That is wrong

Its actually wrong on a lot of levels. The fact people think that is anyway ok is so wrong

You have hit the nail on the head there.

It’s not as glamarous unfortunately. Sure there was genuinely lads here that proclaimed they were going to take in a family from the Ukraine.

Photos taken of the space - the whole lot.

Turns out it never happened unfortunately.

There is no Irish person in Simon houses in a sleeping bag long term. They might end up there overnight because there hasn’t been time to find them suitable accommodation.

There are of course people with addicition issues etc who are in sleeping bags all over the country, but that is a much harder issue to solve and has nothing to do with anything.

Its creating hatred is not a reason for people to try conflate the issue. Anyone who is at that will just redirect their hate at something else if it wasnt for Ukrainians.

A family spending more than a night or 2 on a floor in emergency accommodation is unlikely. I didnt say it doesnt happen, but thats as much down to where it is and the availability of emergency accommodation to send them too. The more these numbers grow, the more likely it could get. I know the Cork Simon as it has taken over the admin duties for the South East region, so i get how bad things are.

Being angry that someone who had to flee a war torn country getting put in a hotel shouldnt really be a factor to someone homeless. They have enough issues to be concerned about without concerning themselves about where the Ukrainians are staying. I’m lucky that I’ve never fled a war nor been made homeless, but id like to think if either situation arose I’d be more concerned about minding my family than getting jealous about what someone else has.

This thing too about the hotels, its not like these are staffed and they are getting 5 star treatment. They are being shunted into a hotel and getting the most basic of provisions. Its hardly a holiday having that for months on end.



There are people in bunk beds and emergency accomodation over 6 months. Its a national disgrace. Are you just not aware of it ?

Why are they getting it though and Irish couldn’t? Ye are all dancing around it

Look I’ll say it for the last time.

There are 10k and growing Irish people homeless with no hope. People paying money cant get a fucking home for christsakes

We are in no position to accept 50k plus from anyhwere on temporary protection with rights to housing, education and jobs, especially housing.

I’ll never understand why the EU granted this to the Ukraine and not to other nations and if this is setting the tone for the future I’ll more than likely live outside the EU.

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That doesn’t suit the agenda of the crowd of wet fannys TM* that seem to hold court on here.

Accusations of ignorance towards posters that raise concerns over whats going on is the definition of ignorance when one see whats after happening in various European countries that adopted an open “bleeding heart” door policy.
How many of them did the US or OZ take in I wonder?

The Ukrainians are living in exactly the same conditions. They’ve converted old nursing homes, convents etc. Places not suitable for people to live in at all, but they’ve done it as an emergency measure.

You are angry that they are getting better treatment, they are not.

Some of them are in hotels. So are some homeless people.

Look it’s a disaster to have to cope with 50k Ukrainians in the middle of a housing crisis. But it’s the right thing to do. If your house was blown up in the morning and you were sent to the front, wouldn’t you like to think that your wife and kids when shipped accross Europe to safety would be able to rely on some form of hospitality from foreign governments?

Shouldn’t we look after our own better? Of course we fucking should it’s a national disgrace, has been for going on at least three decades now that I can remember. There was similar commotion around the time the refugees were flooding in the early 00’s. People only worry about looking after our own, when it’s a cover for their own racism. Outside of that the weak in society can go and fuck.


Hate to break it to you pal but a majority of the homeless in Ireland are not Irish.

Im not angry at all.

Its not about racism at least not for me anyway.

It’s actually racist to believe these ukranians deserve preferential treatment to other refugees, but thats a different story and another argument.

For me its about the feminisation of the West and this is the culmination of it. You can longer do rational things. Its all about emotion. We cant say look, we can only take this amount, we have our own shit going on. Thats gone now with this approach. Its a terrible precedent

As for your comment about my family, shit happens, you do what you can to survive

How many Irish people died from Covid ? 7-8 k.i got mocked for moving down to Kerry for the night. 7-8k ukranians die and 50k of them get put up in Ireland for a year with jobs, accomodation and education

Thats fucking absolute bullshit

Is the Lyrath being used? A quick google brings up nothing?

Give a ring tomorrow