Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

No it’s not. It’s a fact.

Bang on. Not much talk about the Irish homeless on here lately until this

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I genuinely think my IQ has lowered as a result of reading some of the scutter from the empty vessels on this thread.


What are you trying to say here exactly?


it’s quite obvious

It seems like you are trying to equate Covid with the war in Ukraine

well you aren’t too bright are you.

I’m bright enough to not try to make some point about the amount of people that died with Covid when discussing a war


You don’t really make any points, about anything

You’re like a bag of flour

Sorry for your troubles,Dr.Strange.

I can see this being your shortest stay on TFK yet before flouncing off.

Firstly complaining about schools being overrun and then pivoting to the homeless to disguise your distaste for allowing Ukrainian refugees into the country.


I outlined it all in the first post mate. I don’t think the EU should have granted temporary protection for 12 months to ANY state.

The main issues are housing, education and jobs as they are the rights people granted temporary protection are entitled to.

I’ve discussed two of them.

I don’t care about the job market, except the poor cunts coming in will more than likely be exploited.

Shur we’d all have cancelled our weddings if we’d access to Ukrainian refugees


I don’t think this thread is able for jokes pal. What odds your next ex wife being Ukrainian ?


I prefer Iberian women to Slavic women…there I said it

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Persian Women for me. Iberians can have a bit too much fluff

I don’t think they’re desperate enough, yet


Wait until they’ve been through Cavan


Glas and others here said it’s safe to return to Ukraine and hundreds of thousands have done so.

Why are we unhousing Irish people?

Another reason to leave the EU, we’ve no control of our borders.

Yes we can and we are doing it. And if the number doubles we’ll manage that too.