Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I found a tenner walking down Grafton street the week before Christmas I thought to myself “thats a free whopper anyway” I was heading in to Dunnes in North Earl Earl street where a man of similar age to myself was begging . What struck me was he was not badly dressed and was clean shaven. I handed him the tenner and warned him to buy a sandwich. Whether he did or not is another story


You could move to some shithole like Texas where your views would be appreciated?


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I’ve seen posters have nervous breakdowns before but I’m not sure if any of them were on this scale.

The EU it literally evicting Irish people to accommodate Ukrainian “refugees”. It’s like the plantation of Ulster again. The long term consequences will be disastrous and the bureaucrats expect us to turn a blind eye.

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I’ve seen posters have nervous breakdowns before but I’m not sure if any of them were on this scale.

Have you looked in the mirror lately?



Sure you’re doing fuck all the same as me

Don’t pretend like you’re part of it because youve got a ukranian flag on your socials

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We Ireland mate. If you don’t feel part of it there’s the door.

Wow. You speak for the nation.

That’s some high horse you’ve climbed up on.

Why did you “” refugees? They aren’t “refugees”. They’re refugees and why are Ukrainian refugees getting treatment above and beyond all previous refugees ?

I don’t expect an answer or a response othet than an insult so you can leave it there as you aren’t really capable of having a proper discussion

You should have made sure by going in and getting it for him.

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His views are appreciated all over Ireland and the EU.

Maybe you need to fuck off to some wanky fairy land where everyone is wanky and a fairy and all love each other.


I know Mike. I was thinking that afterwards.

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Bad enough being homeless without some random muldoon deciding how you should spend your ten euro


That’s Ireland’s stated position, mate. You disagree, you’re the one out of step. The vast majority of people agree it’s simply and morally the right thing to do.

On the quotation marks, do you genuinely need me to explain that post to you? Seriously?

You want me to treat your views seriously and have a proper discussion on them? I won’t, because they’re moronic.

Incorrect. Ireland and the EU have opened their doors to Ukraine, and are doing quite a lot to help Ukraine and respond against Russia. The vast majority support this response. I’m sure there’s places that people can go if they think otherwise. Like Texas, or Russia.

Looks like youre trying to shut down free speech, again. That’s not very democratic.

Huh? Sure it was Esteban said he wanted to leave. It’s good timing in fairness it will make space for more Ukrainians.

Youre forever telling people move or X is more welcome in the country than various posters or people. A nasty trait of shutting down, dismissing or sending views away… Very authoritarian but totally inline with the left so no surprise. I’d say you’d love an Irish gulag to send people to .


[quote=“glasagusban, post:8295, topic:16906, full:true”]
The vast majority support this response.
[/quote] how do you know?

So the government have deciced and thats it? No more discussion?

Whats your upper limit on refugees pal, 200k the cut off, 300K ?

I think your stance is moronic and not grounded in reality, but I’m not being an ignorant prick about it like you are.

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