Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

These lads won’t be long changing their tune when they are paying 500 pound a month for the ESB


There is no upper limit.

I assume the same lads will insist non vaccinated Ukrainians are not given access to healthcare.


You’re either lying or an idiot.

Sometimes you do things because it is the right thing to do. Apparently you don’t understand the concept.

You’ve given that a lot of thought have you? Fuck sake

More gibberish.

Sometimes you just gotta do what’s right…

Not all heroes wear capes…

You’re some steamer

Lads will ye go out for a walk, it’s a lovely day

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At least I’m not a small minded bigot.

Oh yes you are.

And a massive steamer to boot.


Have a read off that @glasagusban it’s not about being a bigot its about a controlled response to the crisis and all crises. That’s what government is supposed to be for.

This chaotic migration is music to Russias ears

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Straw to be loaded

Am I correct that this crusade began in relation to Primary school places?

About how his children could possibly have been sent to another school because of lack of places. (they weren’t)

It started with questioning the response around housing and education at which point i started being called fucking Goebbels.

You can’t question the government or EU apparently

The same lads who thought they could sit at home forever wanking and pretending to work with that covid nonsense because we could “borrow” cheap money are now insisting we take 500,000 Ukrainians when the Irish government couldn’t run a bath, all the normal people know where this is heading, in 5 months time when the ESB bill is 600 pound a month, thats when reality will kick in


It started with the standard “I’m not a racist but there are too many refugees we can’t take them all they should go somewhere else”. It was followed up with various bullshit then. The schools, “won’t somebody think of the children” etc. The homeless, we should look after all the homeless people before the Ukrainians. The planning (for the unprecedented emergency), but that was covered off because BIATS is going to come back with an update on the plan. We also had concerns about the “long term consequences of so many Ukrainians coming here” (if that’s not clearly racist I don’t know what is). Then there was the attempt at proposing alternatives, which consisted of paying other countries to take them instead, and or shipping people around like cattle. There was also one fella who overheard that the Ukrainians were not very polite.


There are too many refugees. Ukrainian or Syrian or otherwise. I never said the problem was specifically Ukrainian. You’ve made that up. It’s a temporary protection order to grant asylum seekers from outside the EU right to housing, education and jobs. That’s the issue. I haven’t said anything that is even remotely racist.

The simple fact of the matter is we can’t afford those rights to Irish people currently. And you want an unlimited number of unvetted migrants let in all around Europe. There will be unparalleled consequneces from it, you’re childishly naieve if you think otherwise.