Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Can you outline what you think these will be?

Some of them are in the Guardian article there that i linked earlier

A rise in popularity among far right parties being one of them, similar to 2015.

A myriad of socio-political issues. Look at Germany and the issue within the Syrian migrant community.

And this is worse because they’ve granted temporary protection without ever having planned for what that is. The EU states haven’t a fucking hope. As i said, Russia is loving it

There’ll be massive social unrest in the next ten years just like in America. Where they lead we follow.

The richer keep getting richer in Ireland and the poorer keeping getting poorer.

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Flesh this out mate

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This thread can hardly take any more straw after all that’s been loaded into it over the last few days.

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No, it started when I made an observation that the next month or so was gonna be bad as 4000 Ukrainians will be getting kicked out of student accommodation… In standard dismissive fashion Glas asked what my point was…
We then got a diatribe about it not mattering if they have to live in tents or barns because it’s better than being bombed… A few hundred posts later glas then acknowledged that it’s actually safe to return to Ukraine, Which many are doing, and these refugees won’t actually be bombed.

I don’t know where to start with this one.

Because he’s right.

All climate/ geopolitical experts are in agreement that famine and drought are going to drive refugees numbers even more in the next 50 years… This is outside conflict and those running from brutal regimes.
I don’t think anyone is calling for a closed door, just to have better policies and procedures in place. If tents is the best we have after 6 months i think that says it all. Surely when hundreds of thousands are heading back to Ukraine it’s perfectly logical to put checks in place on those still arriving? We cant rely on Batigol to sort the lot.


You should probably start with an apology

Thats for you, in the purely Limerick use of the word. You calling me a bigot is absolutely empty, you throw it out for anything and everything if someone disagrees with you. Because you’re a snivelling little faggot

What’s your problem with gay people? Are there too many of them as well do you think? Do you want to have them rounded up and put in someplace far away that you think might be more culturally appropriate for them as well?

You’re absolutely demented.

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A bitchy reply. You just can’t stop.

In fairness to you, a wet fanny must be really irritating all day when you’re going around the place permanently offended

Our problem is that we care too much, for the welfare of those coming in and for our own. Wanting things done right is now a crime it seems and instead we should just be seen to care and not open your gob.

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Im off to mass lads. I’ll light a candle for ye


What has happened you mate?

Did you get radicalised while you were away?



Where’s the homophobia on display?

Is Glasagusban gay?

You’ve no problem with him throwing out bigot and racist, when I’m not one. ?

You are at it as well on other threads

Im sending a copy of this thread to Croke park along with a demand to reinstate the all Ireland inter county back in its original time frame
This is what the new split season has done to this place. Therell be fuck all to argue about come the long evenings. We’ll all be burnt out