Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Ah yeah, the real victims of this war aren’t the people who had their loved ones murdered or their homes bombed and their lives ruined and had to flee their country.

The real victims are lads in Ireland who spend 14 hours a day for five days in a row writing hundreds of posts of racist drivel and who then call anybody who challenges them “bitches”, “fannies” and “faggots”.

Those Ukrainian refugees haven’t a clue what real oppression. Ewan here will put them right!

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If only we’d an all Ireland semi final on today to distract fellas.

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Inter-county matters more.

This thread should be sent to Larry McCarthy as a case in point to revert back to the old dates

You’ll need to point it out. Ive never attacked a gay person or the gay community in my life. Ive plenty of close friends in the gay community who ive verbally and physically defended in the past.


Same as that and they’re nowhere near as bitchy as @glasagusban

It’s more censorship and feigned outrage from our lefty friends.

“I’m not a racist I just don’t want foreigners coming here.”

“I just call people faggot when I want to insult them that doesn’t make me homophobic”.

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“You can’t even angrily shout “faggot” at somebody these days and people think you’re a homophobe.”


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I fancy doing a bit of this today. Lovely stuff.

As Always, South park and Limerick folk way ahead of the curve.

cc @glasagusban and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

It’s you lads who ae being homophobic by implying gay people are fags.

I see legs of lamb are half price in super valu this week


Plenty of far less inoffensive childish rebuttals could be used bar that shite infantile term.

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If any of you worked on the border, you’d call for vetting of asylum seekers immediately

I worked smuggling fuel between Armagh and Louth for years. I haven’t a clue what you’re on about.

No, you don’t

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Ukrainians come here with clear identification?

Out of context quote mining is the sign of a beaten poster.

No, they don’t. Not always.