Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Flesh this out for me.

The sheer arrogance of people not to go back into their burning, bombed out homes to retrieve identification.

Unlike most asylum seekers, who dump their documents in the main (because they would reveal they already have asylum somewhere else), Ukrainians mostly do have passports.

But some don’t. I don’t have stats but I’d say around 5-10% maybe. Some can’t speak or read Ukrainian. When asked for a translator they’ll usually ask for Russian.


Can you provide a list of words we can and cant use please

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This thread reminds me of the time Nottingham Forest played West Ham in 1993.

Fuck off?

Under the letter D




Don’t forget Dunce :+1::+1::+1::+1:

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Context is everything.

Do you or anyone else here think that Esteban was being homophobic? It used a word that can be used for homophobic purposes but it’s a widespread word and the use of it has taken on other meanings… The gay community themselves have reclaimed and use the word fag regularly… Ive heard multiple gay men say ‘dont be such a fag’ or ‘what a fag’ … If a gay man joined the forum and was using the word regularly would you call him a homophobe and have him banned like Esteban? No, you wouldn’t, because context is everything.
Similarly, African Americans have reclaimed the n word… if a black person joined the forum and used the n word would you ban them?

I wouldn’t deny that fag can be used in a harmful way but most inner city areas use the word to denote someone that’s painful or acting the pure prick.

Words change meaning all the time. And i think certain people here wanting to box it in to mean one thing only is far more narrow minded.

As an aside, it’s hilarious that @glasagusban gets all upset by racial slurs or supposed homophobia. The biggest rap fan boy on the site :rofl:… It’s notorious for homophobia, misogyny and racial slurs… But shur, he’ll point to it being just music and ’ context '… It seems he’s fine listening to the clearly homophobic intended use of the term faggot then, but won’t allow context in any other situation :person_shrugging:t2:

Esteban has been suspended

The lefty headbangers only want discussion to be centred on their world views. Esteban is the best of us all.


An inglorious return

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Esteban is maybe the most Limerick city person I’ve ever met. A bit Mad, very passionate and sound out.


The forum consists of very conservative rural simpletons from Tipperary or Wexford and the likes… or extremely lefty bleeding heart urban types… Neither can handle inner city Limerick in its pomp. Esteban is the Gearoid Hegarty of the forum.

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I think that’s the second time I’ve ran him off the forum. I look forward to his return.

I don’t think he ran anywhere. But it’s great seeing you take glee in having opinions banned… Living up to the mantra of the left…
you should celebrate by listening to a load of black lads rapping about bitches, faggots, crackers and murdering police :person_shrugging:

I didn’t see any opinion banned nor me celebrating. If people want to post their stupid opinions I’ll correct them, or help them make complete fools of themselves. Nothing new there.

Another one cancelled by the feminist mob


Opinion, like beauty, is in the eye or mind of the beholder. Everyone is entitled to theirs. Some it appears are more entitled than others.

Crisis, emergency, whatever you want to call it, the war in Ukraine is criminal and tragic. We as a nation have always stepped up in a humanitarian capacity and punched above our weight. Leaders like Geldof, Bono and Mrs. Robinson to the fore in international representation for this country. The response required here is unprecedented and
Esteban posed a couple of valid questions which were not addressed or debated. He didn’t get his message across all that well granted. WUM’s don’t help the situation. Wind it up and then just it shut down.

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