Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

When someone’s message is one of raving racist and homophobic bigotry it’s never likely to come across all that well.

What’s the mantra here? When you’re explaining you losing?

Some SF TD raising tensions in Kildare

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Certain people only like context when it suits their agenda.

Not out of context

Pipe down hamster head.

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Ye’re welcome!

Radicalising an easy target like poor oul Esteban is very poor form from you

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Is she the 9/11 truther or is that the other one?

Actually both of them might be, come to think of it.


What’s she doing/saying?

The amount of useless/mentaller TDs that SF have that they didn’t think would get elected and are now stuck with is a massive issue for them

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Brewing up a storm

They could run a chap who wears a balaclava and beret and he would get votes ahead of some useless cunt from the Greens.

Is that related to what happened recently in Finglas in relation to a direct provision centre?

Yes, the Greens arent populists and have the audacity to make touch decisions that wont be liked

Well said

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No idea tbh

What happened in Finglas?

She be objecting to ukranians getting modular homes

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Similar circumstance I think. Bizarre logic, but there you go.

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My brother, an actual gay, uses the word a lot for what it’s worth