Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

How does he cope with the stigma?
Does he just pretend he doesn’t know you?


Scores of gays do… The problem here, as always, is a lot of the outraged have no real life experience.


We got on well. Gays are people too.


No the problem is that if you disagree with certain people on a moderate issue you’re immediately a racist, or a fascist, or a homophobe or whatever. Debate is shut down.


It is I’m afraid because he chose to ignore the previous sentence with was a cue to some common ground. Can’t debate without it.
Instead judgement was made and sentence dealt out. Next!

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Has Esteban been banned?

He lost his cool with @glasagusban and was using language in a demeaning fashion towards Glas.

A weird meltdown

200w (4)

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How long was forum racist ChairmanDan banned for that time, after he was banned for making vile racist comments?

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Not long enough

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What a cunt of a post

The awkward squad here don’t want competent government. They’re your classic online Twitter warriors with little experience of the real world and real world issues who just want to shout dumb soundbytes and abuse people.

We saw that once and for all earlier today. And @Ewandaface’s buddies are still digging holes for him and themselves.

The sisters are in a right tizzy yet again.

You absolute fanny.

Does your gay brother use the words “faggot” and “bitch” as generalised terms of vilification with the aim of ridiculing and whipping up generalised hatred against gay people in society?

I somehow doubt it.

That’s what the forum Ewan (who is not gay I presume) did - and this after four or five days of him relentlessly whipping up hatred against Ukrainian refugees.

I don’t agree with the use of the term, or Estebans.


You steamer.

I don’t like it as a term.

People can use it all they like, I couldn’t care less. I know a gay guy who uses it regularly and he doesn’t get offended by it.

Get edgy bro

Black people have certain privileges in using the n word, because they are black. They can “reclaim” it and use a word that has traditionally been used as a term of deep abuse by white people, as a badge of pride by using it themselves.

Same with the k word with Travellers.

Same with gay people and the words @estebandaface used as terms of abuse - and it wasn’t just the words themselves, it was the manner, the tone of it, that made it damn well clear he has serious internalised homophobia. Real vicious, backward, obnoxious stuff, of the type that contributes to an environment of genuine fear for gay people in society.

When @estebandaface uses these words, they’re just terms of abuse and hatred, in a similar manner to how the n word was just a term of abuse and hatred when that white guy from Seinfeld I can’t remember the name of torched his career on stage years ago.

Steamer is a lovely word, it has none of the coarseness associated with the other word, substitutes perfectly.
As young lads both were used to describe the same thing, I suppose it was used to describe cowardliness or effeminate displays, not for homosexuality, ‘Homo’ did the job there

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