Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

It’s all in the game

I don’t know, it’s on a knife edge, probably tipping towards more likely than not.

It looks like this will be the fake “legal” pretext for invasion.

Why are you so keen for war?

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Can someone please Ladybird this conflict for me, please? Is it that Ukraine wants to join NATO and Russia is against this? Or is it Ukraine’s rich resources and agricultural capabilities and Russia wants to control these?

I say look up Nord strean 2 gas pipeline. The US, France and Britain seem to be the loudest on the Russia invasion topic but Russia Germany and Ukraine are all saying to calm down and nothing will happen. This pipeline is under sea directly from Russia to Germany, and the country’s where nordstream 1 passes through won’t receive ‘rent’ for the gas’s passage. Other options for gas than Russia are Qatar and the US. Think of it how you want.

Not to trust anything Russia says but you can’t trust the US, Britain and France based on the incidents and reasons for the Vietnam and Iraq wars. WMDs that didn’t exist. But Iraq were going to trade oil in euro rather than dollars etc. Syria were building an oil pipeline for Iran to the Mediterranean before the civil war also. That’s my view of it. Shady reasons for war not to trust either sides on this.


Try the Scott Horton link I posted earlier. From what I gather the US wants to install legal/treaty compliant weapons systems close enough to Russia to potentially enable them to take out Russia nuclear capability. Putting appreciates that biden etc are idiots so can’t sabre rattle too much, meanwhile the US can’t go to war with Russia because there’s a strong possibility China will get ideas about territorial claims elsewhere, leading to America fighting on two fronts…and the US is also concerned that the new gas pipeline will endanger the US gas industry…they would like Germany to shut it down but its hard to see how this would happen without aggression on russias part.


“Its my field. It’s my child. I nursed it. I nourished it. I dug the rocks out of it with my bare hands”

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Two lads swinging their mickeys about to help their image at home


Basically the first one.

Meanwhile last night in Western Propoganda


Seems like a pretty big win for Biden after the Afghanistan cock up.

Looks like it’s over for now. Which is good news for all of us.



Sounds like the debating tactics of half of tfk, “I’ve absolutely destroyed you”.


So the Ukrainians were right all along


@Cheasty is going to be gutted after banging the war drum for the past month.

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Hi Tossy

@TreatyStones - where is the evidence of Russia “de-escalating”? If you want to be on this thread, why not contribute to it instead of using 20 year old trolling tactics?

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