Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Bang on. 99% of the time it’s used when someone is being a gee bag. But look, the outraged set the narrative around here so best not bring any resemblance of truth into it. They a mind readers after all.

You’re an extreme right wing fascist.

*Until you’re not at all.

Go away and fuck off.

The problem is youse lot think nobody is a fascist, because yis like fascism.

I remember a teacher of mine saying there are no bad words, only bad intentions and that we should judge people on what they do.


For what its worth. I would be pro unlimited people into Ireland.

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This has gone like covid. You cant question the offical line. Stick to the narrative. This is not how a democracy works. We always need to challenge the offical line to make things better.

Shutting it down, now thats fascism. The ironing is wasted on some folk



Writing with bad intentions, such as basing one’s “writing” around terms of generalised abuse against people based on, say, sexual orientation, is doing.

Some examples of the official line
Drink driving is bad
Smoking is bad
Investment in education is good

These should be challenged?

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Its schoolyard stuff though isn’t it, ‘faggott’, if you said that to a gay person as an insult today, they’d laugh at you. Its a term that has completely lost its power in that sense. For the better.

I couldn’t think of a more obvious example of trying to “shut somebody down” than repeatedly shouting “faggot” and “bitch” at them.

Do we need to challenge the official line on the Holocaust?

Should we platform Holocaust deniers, as GB News does? Is that democracy or is it just fascist propaganda?

Drink driving is grand when its done in a responsible way in fairness.

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If 4 skinheads shouted faggot at a gay person that would have no power?

Play the ball, not the man.

But it isn’t a term that has lost its power. And I somehow doubt many gay people would laugh at you if you used it uninvited and out of the blue. Especially when made in the tone and with the accompanying opinions of @estebandaface.

Esteban is not a racist.


Would agree alright.

But he digs holes for himself

Is he just a plan old xenophobe?

Or is he just an equal opportunities bigot in that he hates everybody?

His postings over the last four or five days are not those of a rational individual. They are those of somebody who has had something snap in their brain.

A fella like that, (typical skinhead with their belief system) can’t be redeemed really. I think a gay person would have no regard for what a person like that says.