Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

He just has some different views to you. I’m sure ye would enjoy a pint together.

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Back on topic if ye can at all please.

What is it that you do for a living buddy?

If I used that term in an aggressive way to a gay person. I would expect to be ejected from their company. Wouldn’t be a term I’d use around gay people, but I’ve heard it used in that company. I think it was about someone behaving like a sissy or needing to stand up for themselves iirc.

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I very much doubt it. He has views that most reasonable people should and would consider vile.

So why not call that kind of gobshite a geebag (misogyny issue left aside)? Or a gobshite? Why does that kind of gobshite need to be called a ‘faggot’ or a ‘steamer’? I call gobshites a gobshite. Job of indexing done. Whence arises the surplus terminological need? Tis sort of baffling.

Serious questions. I do not understand the special pleading, the illogic.

I also wonder what ‘the feminization of the West’ might be, if and when the phenomenon comes home to roost. Do lads really wake up in the morning and feel a certain slant? ‘Here we go… Another day in the feminization of the West.’ Do they really and truly wake up in that fashion, these lads? Kind of fascinating.

Is this craic related to the Trad Cath stuff? And is this craic why such lads are so often obsessed with martial arts? Is the Bronze Age Pervert lad one of their heroes? Is this class of a lad on Twitter one of the crew?

Is this feminization phenomenon akin to ‘The Great Replacement’? Why are so many lads so worried about their masculinity, individual and collective? What is going on? Is this craic the reason why Jordan Peterson is so popular?

I never realized how many lads seem quite disturbed until I read threads such as this one. Kind of worrying, I suppose.

I’m an undertaker

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You were very wrong re the Spanish translation of Esteban, @Cheasty

What are ye doing to bring the country towards zero carbon by 2030?

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Gay people can use what terms they like because context.

Agressive use of slurs against them - or against people ludicrously branded in a derogatory manner as gay merely because they don’t agree with somebody who has been whipping up racist bigotry for the best part of a week - as Esteban was doing - and where the meaning of words as a vicious slur is damn well obvious - is plain old homophobic bigotry.

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If you can’t understand or accept that calling someone a faggot isn’t acceptable on here then maybe TFK (or civil society) isn’t the place for you.

It’s not a particularly challenging rule to adhere to and isn’t up for discussion.

I don’t want people googling homophobic slurs to arrive at TFK hoping for a hospitable environment so let’s move on without any more childish provocation.


Fuck off you faggot

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Think Esteban was using it in the Limerick context. Working in urban schools in Limerick you’d hear ‘faggot, shitty arse, pussy’ all interchangeably.

Its basically telling someone to toughen up on something.

Tremendous cut and thrust to proceedings this evening


Once again you were in the middle of it.

You cant say thrust around here, someone could take it up the wrong way so to speak.

I wish I had the energy mate but I’m panned out here after a few Crested on ice

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Limerick exceptionalism ffs

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@StoneCold should be banned for 10 years.

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Homophobia mate

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