Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

25 years.

Enough is enough.

Perhaps the Limericks should start up their own little forum where slagging is understood

This explanation doesn’t help his case

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These words were used in every boys’ school in the country in my day.

You’d hope lads would have grown up when they grew up.

Some obviously haven’t and have instead decided to become man children, to become radicalised into the most pathetic kind of toxic male self-pity by the likes of Ewan MacKenna or Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate or whichever pied piper spoke to their inner child.

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Just that I don’t think that he meant the words as a slur on gay people.

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It was spa in my day

I agree man, we should be gone past it but we aren’t. Been on a few stags in recent years. After 5 or 6 pints, everybody is ‘a cunt’, ‘a faggott’ et cetera. Its deffo a hangover from the school yard.

Its a slur on gay people if people are using the term faggot to describe someone as cowardly or effeminate

This is all a bit ghey


Can gay not also mean bad at sports?


I don’t think people realise that some people are taking it that way, even though we all should know. It has detached from a slur on homosexuality more to an insult on someones toughness or masculinity. That is what I think when I hear it now, or if someone said it to me I think ‘he’s calling me a wimp’.

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Yeah, I’ve heard it used in terms of silliness or softness or someone being emotional

Yeah but if you’re using it to insult someone’s manliness or toughness the implication is that gay men aren’t manly or tough

Cunt is generally understood as a term of extreme dislike. It is generally understood to be non-discriminatory in its use because it is generally bestowed based on a person’s opinions or behaviour being shitty or worthy of extreme dislike, rather than because of non-chosen characteristics.

Faggot, especially when used in the context it was used by one particular poster here, is a term of vile abuse for a man who has a perceived effeminate personality and thus by extension it is a term of vile abuse for being gay or being perceived to be gay.

You are technically but I don’t know does that register

In fairness an awful lot of rural Irish people use the term quare.

Its meaning is normally referencing an odd cunt.

Nowadays though…the lockdowns…

@Cheasty the war couldnt be all this quiet is it? Go get a related twitter link, we get back on topic, we’ll all feel better. Putin/Ukraine/Biden surely did something for you to relay.

Good night Mary Ellens :wave:

Switch over to the golf lads. Ye’ll feel better for it

Correct, but I can’t remember the last time Ive heard that word used directly to a gay person as a slur on their homosexuality or if I ever have.

It feels outdated, an anachronism. Like something from the Beano.

I doubt anyone has ever felt any better after watching golf