Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Malarkey made a good point earlier, we need to be more accurate in our insults.

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You would after watching half the shite most of ye have posted on this thread

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You aren’t going to hear it being used much because the people who do say the word out of their mouth are generally cowards who will only use it among people they know are of similar opinions to them, or when then get eight or ten pints down them on a Friday or Saturday night and come across some poor soul on their own who is performing the crime of looking too publicly gay.

But people will type it from the safety of behind their keyboards alright.

And the following line is the giveaway. Basic empathy is derided by this particular poster as an effeminate, anti-masculine, gay quality.

Some lads here, especially that poster, might do well let their inner female come to the surface a bit more. They might be less cuntish, and by that I mean the term cuntish in an unironic, non-playful way.

There are definitely people like that as you say.

I’ve no baggage with gay people, whether they should be tough manly men or effeminate. I dont see why they should be one or the other.

To me its like saying all fullbacks in soccer are cloggers.

People with the attitude you mention are dying out and will die out. Don’t really see it among the kids today.

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Great Job Yes GIF by Hollywood Suite

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I disagree with you on cunt. Women find it particularly abusive because of its origins. Mrs J would genuinely be aghast at me if she heard me use it.(it might slip out if id be reading tfk…) Good to see you starting to understand this stuff though.
‘Homo’ and ‘chinky’ were fine for you when you wanted a bit of craic yourself. I remember you having great craic telling me ‘homo’ wasn’t abusing gay people … just calling a ref for what he was.
I’m not reminding you of your racist/homophobic past just for shits and giggles, more to point out that as lads (apologies @Midshipman_Asha ) who grew up in ireland we’ve all uttered dodgy shit at various times in our lives. Onwards and upwards lads. If you’re not developing you’re stagnating.


We’re a heart beat away from getting a ban for calling the rangers clan huns

Ah shut up.

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Yes - drink driving licences and tests should be rolled out

No - we all love a good fag, especially while drink driving

Yes - children in TY should learn to drive, then have a few pints, learn again and half of them will come out from behind the active cycle shed if they can smoke in the car

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Your gone way off pieste again. A better example was why didnt the germans stop the nazis during there rise? Like a frog in a boiling pot. We saw it ourselves and your caught in it. Challenge every idea until concensus os reached. This process will highlight flaws in the system and correct them accordingly. This is all with o leary in the grave now

Watch out you could offend wexicans and how they speak

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The reason the Germans didn’t stop the Nazis is that fascist propaganda is highly effective.

Fascist propaganda is once again being highly effective.

Fascists don’t do debate. They do information WAR, in which facts, context and debate are the enemy, and “out groups” are relentlessly targeted and vilified.

Fascists do lies and distortions and shouting down and pile ons and fake moral panics. All these things were key features of what @estebandaface wrote here over the last week and they are key features of the posting style of several posters here. We all know who they are.

Fascist propaganda preaches “question more”. It’s literally RT’s slogan. But fascist propaganda does NOT do legitimate questioning. It seeks to undermine and destroy objective reality and fact and throw society into utter chaos where there is a war of all against all, so kleptocrats - the only ones with the power - can rule unchallenged.

All of these things are key features of the US Republican party, the British Tory party and its client media, the European far right, Russia, China. North Korea and the Covid deniers, Covid conspiracists, anti-lockdowners, anti-vaxxers and climate catastrophe deniers.

When you say “Covid is a cod”, you’re doing fascism, because you’re throwing out the utterly overwhelming scientific consensus in favour of dark money funded right-wing nonsense which is designed to destroy societies, to make them stupid.

Crush the curve, protect others by staying 2 metres apart, we’re in this together, the jab will stop covid - recent examples of propaganda. If it was a dog it would bite ya

No one is questioning if Russia is right to do what it did. What was asked here is, is our response to the refugee situation adequate? Are we able to handle this volume without a specific plan and examples of the knock on effects to ireland that have happened or will happen due to the lack of clarity despite the current we’ll figure it out. Its clear this will be fairly long term that we will be takimg in refugees and irelands track record for looking after refugees is appalling, look at DP. The current plan is stick them in hotels or other mass housing units, like our own homeless. Who benefits? Big hotel owners, non tender contracts, shitty businesses that get these contracts like aramark. Surely you know about the golden handshakes and greed in ireland? All this happened in covid too.

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I should no better than enaging.

Apologies all. We lost some good men on here.

This is what the split season has done. Great for the gaa, but some fellas have too much time now

Kevin McStay has a big job ahead of him

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This is classic conspiracy thinking.

Public health authorities put in place, short, easy to remember slogans to try and modify people’s behaviour in a pandemic so as people wouldn’t die. Why? Precisely because these slogans were are short and easy to remember and the public have trouble processing complicated information. It wasn’t some conspiracy.

The Covid vaccines have been highly effective. They are some of the best vaccines ever produced, produced in record time at a time of great need for the world. Overwhelming scientific consensus supports them. But because they aren’t perfect there’s apparently some grand conspiracy at play. There isn’t.

There isn’t some grand conspiracy at play to line the pockets of business people. There’s a fucking war with millions of people desperately fleeing it and providing for those poor misfortunate people who arrive here requires engagements with and contracts for businesses. And contrary to what the social media “I never read anything but I know everything” brigade think, there is no perfect response and there never could be. Any response is going to be awkward, messy and inconvenient, by dint of the reality of several tens of thousands of people suddenly arriving here. But whatever inconvenience is experienced by anybody in Ireland pales into total insignificance compared to the ruined lives and often unimaginable heartbreak of the people who have been forced to flee their homes to come here.

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Fuck this.

Tfk has gone to shit.

No even bothering to read that.



That’s the problem with youse lot.

Yis never read anything worth reading but do read a load of absolute shite that isn’t worth reading in a million years.

Absolute shite which is designed to destroy societies, and all based on the worst kind of conspiratorial manipulation and based on the whipping up of the most hateful emotions.

So much to unpack here mate. Most of it is correctish but you’re so definite you end up talking bollocks.
Public health authorities (certainly in ireland) were genuinely trying to do their best by people during covid. Of course they were. But they still made some rank bad decisions. Sending old people out of hospitals into nursing homes without covid tests was a terrible decision, and it was done knowing that they may be bringing a deadly virus to the most vulnerable. Someone made the decision that it had to be done to free up beds for the massive wave of people who would need them. We knew that the elderly were extremely vulnerable. I dont think it was a conspiracy but it certainly was the opposite of acting to stop people dying.
You say scientific consensus supported them (on vaccines) but it certainly didn’t when we refused to recognise antigens as a brilliant tool when the rest of europe did. We flew in the face of science there. Why? I doubt it was a conspiracy to get de gascuns labs more tests, even though thats possible. I’d say it was more a pig headed stubbornness from some of our top medical minds.
I dont think the response to the ukrainian humanitarian crisis has been a conspiracy, in fact I’m sure its not here. But that doesnt mean that bad actors (not the cast of Kin in this case) arent looking for opportunities to profit from connections or insider knowledge, and thats on every level. From gas and power companies hiking prices to hotels cancelling bookings so they can take lucrative refugee contracts, to actual newly hired Ukrainian interpreters taking a few quid off their compatriots to make sure they get housed in a decent place or near people they know. People in every walk of life can be dodgy and unscrupulous. All society works in this manner. We know this. Its human nature.