Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Sad Baby GIF

Your not wrong

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But I didn’t say some stupid decisions or mistakes weren’t made.

And I didn’t say people cannot or will not be dodgy and unscrupulous.

You claim I did say those things. And you were so definite about it.

I didn’t say those things.

Address your post to somebody who did, if you can find them.

someone who repeatedly called another poster a pussy, getting his fanny wet, steamer virture singalling, a little bitch and ultimately a faggot, you cant say “context”. It was used in the context of being homophobic and belittling glas and make him out to be more feminine and not a real man. The exchange between both of them to be honest was ridiculous. Esteban taking offence to being called a fascist ultimately lead to this, but dont try and say calling him a faggot wasnt meant in a homophobic sense or that gays also use the word. He said multiple times he was done “debating” with glas, but yet still went back for more. When you look back on it, its actually esteban who called himself a fascist and glas agreed with him. No one is shutting down free speech, but what was going on was a load of rubbish. If esteban wanted to discuss it rationally he could have.


Ironically, he descended into name-calling and questioning my masculinity because I challenged him on his views, which he wasn’t man enough to stand over.

It’s blatantly obvious that Esteban is no longer a rational person.

Something has snapped inside his head like has happened with Gemma, Sports Gemma and Graham Linehan, he has demonstrably consumed a load of far right propaganda and swallowed it whole in his time off the forum.

Pretty much everything he wrote over the last week was like a zombie drone repeating far right slogans they’ve read.

He needs professional help and I’m entirely serious about that.

Thats the bones of it righ there.



My point equally applies to you. You are a deeply unwell person and seemingly entirely happy with that fact.

Professional help isn’t all it’s cracked up to be lads, FYI

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That isn’t true.

It was at this point I stopped being polite to @glasagusban . If you’d take that without reacting more power to you. It’s not in my nature to let people say shit like that to me without a reaction. @glasagusban repeatedly insults people, fairly badly and thinks he has the right not to get any back, that just doesn’t happen where I come from.

I actually shouldn’t have come back to TFK. I was away and out of it and I got text’s about Faldos golf thing and started looking in. A few people had asked me to come back as the place needed livening up, and I jumped back in.

Where I come from those words I used to insult @glasagusban aren’t used as hate speech, they’re used to insult the person you are disagreeing with, glas isn’t a woman, or a homosexual. If you have a problem with those words then I think you are being overly sensitive and seeking outrage. I didn’t say them to you, your mother or your boyfriend, I said them to Glas, the same way he questioned my intelligence, called me a racist and questioning my mental health all the while tried to frame my argument in a very snide and dishonest way by misquoting snippets of my posts and framing them how he wanted.

It’s also very hard to frame your argument correctly when @Cheasty is constantly yelling about the extreme right and also dishonestly framing your argument.

For those of you worrying if I’ve been radicalised or concerned for my mental health, I’m grand. I disagreed with the temporary protection policy the EU implemented and I still do. I disagree with how our government is handling the crisis and I still do, in the light of our own internal situation.

Allow me to put context on my argument, that I didn’t get a chance to earlier. There is a concern in all my points for the poor Ukrainian people that have to come in here with all this chaos also. I argue nothing from a position of hatred, of anyone, because I don’t hate anyone. Of course it’s terrible what is happening in Ukraine, of course it is. Those poor people that are fleeing war have it terrible. We don’t seem to have a plan for them, now or going forward and that will lead to a worse situation for them, and the people here.

My frustration is with the EU and the Irish Government, not the Ukrainians coming here. They’re just doing what is natural.

My comment about the feminisation of the west isn’t about people, it’s about governance, matriarchal societies. If you take the stereotypical feminist traits like caring, kind, passive ,emotional versus the male stereotypical traits of logical, analytical, blunt, lack of empathy

Now that’s probably treading the outrage waters on some gender stuff, but it’s not a hatred on gender, its a look at framing how we are being governed now. It seems to be some sort of Social justice.

Look, I get that people are fleeing a war, but I don’t understand why the displacement is so large, right now. The West of Ukraine’s economy is still open, their schools are still open and Aid routes are open. I personally think the situation could have been handled locally much quicker but it seemed to be governance based on irrationality to grant Ukrainian nationals citizenship. Which gives them the same rights as any person in the nation State that they are going to.

In the context of that, and in Ireland on housing, there are 10k Irish people and growing on HAP, there are now 50k Ukrainians and the Government hasn’t set up a response team for the crisis, so the same people managing our housing crisis have now been landed with 50k new Citizens to cater for. There are 10k homeless right now, and I don’t know how many notices to quit there are.

I think now is a good time to put a plan in place to help these people leaving the Ukraine and coming here so they aren’t adversely impacted and can integrate.

From what I’ve seen they are kind of being left in their own little communities after an initial effort to get them involved in the community. Nothing really is being done to help them integrate and that is definitely not good.

Feel free to pick that apart lads, and question my motives or honesty, mental health whatever

I’ll be hanging around for the Frank Faldo golf outing but I won’t be getting into anything more serious than slagging Liverpool and United fans…


Not sure i get you. Irish society is becoming too matriarchal is it? Too caring and empathetic? Is that not the opposite of your argument that we are doing nothing for our own homeless?

happy to assist with the mocking of the footix

I think we all just need to relax a little.

Zen and serenity.


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Is it United you follow? Antony is a plug and ye’ll spunk 100m down the drain

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Thats alright with me. It doesnt bother me how much lads cost. None of it is my money and the net spend trophy only matters to liverpool fans. Hopefully the lad is a savage mentality winner and it ignites the likes of Sancho and rashford.

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Look mate, we agree fundamentally in our outlook on a lot here, but so much of this is just factually wrong or made up. You’ll accuse me of quoting our of context but I couldn’t respond to the whole thing. If you want to have opinions at least get any of the facts you’re basing them on right.

How do you still not get what fleeing war is about? Whatever the situation is here it’s not worse than bombs landing on you. Stop saying this, it’s wrong.

Look at a map of how the war is going and where bombs are landing. Pretty basic.

In the middle of a war against a world superpower?

Incorrect/made up/nonsense.

Completely factually wrong.

It might be beneficial for anyone who mocks people (or their spouse) who are diagnosed with cancer.

Or anyone who stalks innocent women across the globe and makes extremely troubling and frightening comments about their bodily fluids.


Esteban vindicated already as the greens once again shown as out of their depth.Promised to end direct provision but now due to influx of refugees it’s being extended, Irelands own concentration camps indeed.

For fuck sake