Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Plans were in place to end direct provision & then you know, a war happened and we got 10s of thousands of extra refugees

what are you proposing, go ahead & end direct provision & then what?


Riding your fixie dangerously fast around the bullshit zone here mate…

It can be very hard to frame your argument “correctly” when your argument is a load of racist bollocks.

We’ve seen all this loads of times before, in Oughterard, Ballinamore, Carrickmacross and more, where opportunistic racist vultures deliberately whipped up anger against refugees, and lied about their motivations for doing so. They tried to divide societies into culture war factions by playing off Irish homeless - who they do not give a single fuck about, against refugees.

That’s what youse lot always do. You lie.

You lie about your motivations, you try to creatively frame them in as mendaciously non-threatening a way as possible, and you have to do so because you know full well that bog standard whipping up hatred against refugees doesn’t play well.

But it never takes much scratching to reveal the real motivations and it sure didn’t in your case.

The likes of you would use literally any excuse to turn on refugees. If they integrate or want to work they suddenly become “economic migrants”, “taking us for a ride”, “takin’ aur jobs”. If they don’t learn English they’re “refusing to integrate”. If they’re taciturn because they’re shell shocked from the war they’re “abusing our hospitality”. If they don’t want to work because they can’t work or are suffering mental horrors or have children to mind or want to return home they’re “spongers”. If they want to return home “well, the war can’t be that bad, can it?”

Trying to mendaciously turn the argument to “lack of a plan” is a classic bait and switch. Youse lot just don’t want refugees in Ireland. Yis don’t believe in basic empathy or any sort of moral duty. The kindest reading of that is that it’s the worst type of NIMBYism. Your real motivation became evident very quickly. Basic empathy is “feminisation” which is destroying the west". A line that could have been written by Anders Behring Breivik.

Another angle to divide that the likes of you run with is “corruption”. “Have YOU taken in Ukrainian refugees? If no, then you’re a corrupt HYPOCRITE!”

“They’re staying in hotels? They’re the reason for sky high hotel prices!!! They’re the reason you can’t go on holiday!!! The whole thing is a racket by corrupt businessmen!!!” Ukrainian and other refugees get painted as the symbol of “NWO corruption” and “Great Replacement Theory” and all manner of other batshit conspiracy theories.

You pretend there could be and should be some fantastical plan. There isn’t, only muddling through. The nature of war is it destroys people’s lives. Forever. You spread the grotesque idea that because Ireland cannot magically solve all the problems of all refugees or magically heal their mental scars and grief, that we should keep them out, to hell with them. It’s so depressing people behave like this it’s almost beyond words.

Ireland is one of the richest countries in the world, with a low population density. We’re lucky as hell in this country. If we refuse refugees, then to follow that “logic” nowhere else should take them either, because the vast majority of countries have far, far bigger problems than us.

Glas is a passive aggressive virtue signalling liar who’s all too gleeful about calling lads racist and lesser than himself. I get a fair bit of it myself from him…without a shred of evidence or justification. He needs to grow a pair.


This thread badly needs @Pirlo laying down the law with a few imaginary 2 week bans


Confused Curb Your Enthusiasm GIF

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It’s all fucking @Locke’s fault


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Hon Ukraine


Hopefully any women and children just hunker down, suck it up and dont come to us looking for a free tent.

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All hands are needed on deck surely at the moment. It looks like they are going to win.

If I got it wrong on the fascist comment, then apologies. I did a search for fascist on this thread and the comment came up first attributed to you rather than glas.

Whilst glas may have also insulted you, you werent slow about throwing out insults but looking for apologies too. Both of ye were at it. I dont agree with the term hate speech in terms of calling him a faggot, but at the same time it wasnt intended as a harmless jibe. Nor was calling him a bitch, pussy, wetting his fanny etc. They all have the same premise behind them. It is what it is, I’ve no interest in either of ye in the squabble, and I’m sure glas can look after himself. I’ve no particular care about what you call him either, it was more the way that people, not you, defended the use of faggot by claiming context. The context was meant as an insult, there is no getting around that. Rocko has his rules here and its up to him and the mods to do what they do. I’ve little interest in reporting on here and lads can sort themselves out, I think the only reports I’ve ever done is when people would try doxx others, which is proper shite behaviour.

I’ve also no interest in going on about your mental health or that you flipped or any such rubbish and thats not right either and seems to be a way of playing the man and not the ball. Again, you are also able to defend yourself against anyone else either

And dont mean to be dragging it out any more, but giving you the courtesy of replying when you replied.


Anyway, getting back to the actual war…

Looks like the Ruskies are being shoved towards the Dnieper. It was well flagged they were in a vulnerable position around Kherson on the wrong side of the river, and not able to capture enough real estate for a buffer in front of it. It’s funny with all the tech advancements that fighting with a river at your back remains a major no no.

Hopefully they can breakthrough here, take the city back and ideally get a big number of Russians to surrender as well. They could do with a big win. They seem to have completely stalled them, some progress is needed to stop these lines cementing though


Shes an awful dose of a woman.

Do you think the Ukrainians can actually win? If putin is as insane as people think could he go nuclear if he starts losing?

Surely to god they should try take out putin.

Any ideas on a good plan for that?

There were about 600 people involved in the plot to kill hitler…nowhere near enough to kill him, take control of the army, control the media, arrest a heap of lads etc
