Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Clinging on desperately

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Why don’t you just fuck off the thread and indeed the forum if you’re only here to troll? When was the last time you made a post of substance on any topic? Have you ever?

Anybody who is willing to believe Russia over this is willing to believe anything.

Stick him on ignore and let him scream for 15 hours a day into the void.

We lost Faldo and Fist Of Fury, who made excellent contributions to the forum.

But we still have utter creeps like this lad and @TreatyStones, who have never provided anything to it, hanging around.

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I had him on ignore but it looks like the time limit expired. Seems nothing much has changed. He’s right, everyone else is wrong (along with being fascists, brainwashed, nazis etc etc).


If you want to contribute to the thread, make a contribution. You quite obviously know the square root of fuck all about the topic. You treat the lives of people in other countries as something to joke about.

People like you are genuine scumbags.

So you are saying if Putin is going to attack it won’t be after he warns the west he is coming and makes a big song and dance out of it and would most likely take the form of a gradual action in the region they already have captured. Funnily enough I made this very point back at the start and you told me I was completely wrong.


You said Russia were bluffing. They aren’t.

I said Russia weren’t going to invade the Ukraine after slowly building up troops and putting the whole World on notice. They aren’t.

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You said it was all for show. You were wrong.

Where is the evidence of Russian withdrawals?

Why has the Russian Duma voted to put the issue of recognition of the puppet regimes of the DNR and LNR to Putin for recognition?

They could well do, they’ve done it before. I don’t think anyone will be proved right or wrong in the end here, it could go either way and the outcome can still be influenced in one direction or another.

Whatever happens I’m sure someone will claim they were right about it on TFK.

Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister:

Are there Russian troops in the Crimea at the moment?

Which the US deliberately leaked early on and kept updated to the international community.

If this is an actual withdrawal of troops, Putin has achieved fuck all. This whole “prestige” argument is a nonsense, he didn’t get anything of importance and Ukraine’s sovereignty is now seriously on the table internationally. When he took the Crimea he took the world by surprise. Nobody will believe a false flag operation now. I don’t think it actually helps him that energy prices and inflation generally have already soared. The political and economic hit of that has already been felt in Europe and Germany seem to have grown some balls now.

The fact that they mentioned their “standard” military exercises would end in the coming days yesterday after the move by various countries on their Embassies and the leaking of a potential Wednesday operation doesn’t seem to be an accident. The West basically gave him a date to put up or shut up and he seems to have blinked. The statement today I posted above was laughable.

There is some talk that this withdrawal is bullshit and we shall see. You do never know with Putin but I don’t actually see what great strategic move he can make now.

Putin doesnt want a war. He just wants an unstable, nu-NATO’d Ukraine.

I didn’t say he wanted a war. But I think this idea that he wouldn’t have invaded is hilarious when he basically did it before.

There’s no guarantees here on the fundamental issues they have with EU and NATO membership. The whole energy thing has finally been faced into by European nations after the rampant inflation - the fear we had and the card he had has been diminished because we are already experiencing a shitshow. Domestically and internationally he was relying on the US being good little boys and trying to just do this diplomatically behind closed doors. That gave him options like false flag operations. It will be difficult to pull that now.

He’s had the West dancing to his tune for years but just don’t see it here.

Putin cannot get what he wants without war. The threat of war has produced nothing for him. Even while not being in the EU or NATO Ukraine is irrevocably turning towards the west and away from Russia. With every passing day, Russia becomes more of a pariah with the Ukrainian public.