Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Russia and Azerbaijan aren’t aren’t allies but neither are they enemies. Relations are iffy but transactional. Russia is formally allied to Armenia through the CSTO (which Azerbaijan is not in) but in reality doesn’t really give a shit about it because it doesn’t want to annoy the Azeris. Armenia sent troops into Kazakhstan earlier this year through the CSTO in an effort to impress the Russians about how much they were willing to bend over for them but the Russians basically laugh at them.

If Russia is seen as weak then all bets are off.

Syria, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Kazakhstan for a start. But there are probably 20 other less obvious ones like Armenia where it would indirectly knock on.The Serbs for example rely on them a lot. China would be looking North.

Internally there are at least 4 or 5 provinces who would break away if they could.

We live in interesting times

A lot of updates on the current situation in the follow up tweets. The Russian army is in total disarray.

Collaborators fleeing to Russia. I wonder will they be welcomed?

They have shattered them altogether. WALKED ALL OVER THE CUNTS

Thats one take on it. Another is that people are being rounded up based on the language they speak or because of social media posts. As usual the truth will lie somewhere in the middle.

This is usually worth a listen

Discipline an issue on both sides there I imagine…

This fella would want to stay on the ground floor of any buildings he’s in.

The US must be disgusted at that carry on


I found this interesting. Just shows how stagnant the war was up until the last few days.

Now who’s playing chess

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Who the fuck in their right mind would download and open that file. Hosted on Yandex and all


Independent thinkers all over the World

He’s busy out, and he after solving the Twin Towers mystery only the other day


That file is mind blowing. The truth always outs in the end.

Our resident free thinkers™ will no doubt continue to dismiss the bleedin’ obvious truth and continue to preach some fantastical 24D chess hocus pocus conspiracy, with all the fervour of born again evangelicals.

He’s currently reviewing JFK assassination footage



Burnie Burns Conspiracy GIF by Rooster Teeth

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Looks more like Shaney. He’s not angry enough to be the other head the ball.

Actually he fits the bill perfectly for this forum’s @Thomas_Brady.