Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Maroon has a hape of lads in a spin.


Speeches like that should be reserved for Meath training sessions.

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Careful mate we’re dealing with carryharry, fitzy and the eco warrior who flies regularly to Australia for no reason. Tread softly in the company of such intellectuals.

Of course they can’t, ever, debate anything. Memes are debate these days

Anything to add to that? Nope.

What’ your opinion on the JFK assassination? Take time if you need to make sure it’s politically correct

An outstanding article by one of historys great journalists

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Pilger the free thinker yada yada yada… Tin foil yada yada yada.

He fairly nailed a few lads on here with that piece.

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Brainwashed submissive morons. Instead of asking questions they just fire up memes or a dig in a hope to get a few likes. Note how they never debate any point raised.

I’ve said it before but if you ever wondered why pedophilic priests ran the roost in Ireland, it’s because of people like the above posters. Told what to think by their betters and blindly following it. Today’s religious order being wokism.


Wait, were you actually serious about the twin towers?

Did you message him to make sure he’s awake to protect you? I’ll give you a sec

Can you flesh out your twin towers theory mate?

Ah you got the go ahead from the safety net. Good boy. Take it to that thread if you have any questions or intelligent contributions, doubtful

Good debating of the point mate

I made my point in that thread, are you too stupid to follow it? Can’t be repeating everything for you to try and catch up. what’s your question?

Edgy @maroonandwhite is great fun

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Id say you understand 10% of the posts on TFK mate

