Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)


Any luck on the job front? Remember as I told you, retweeting isn’t actual work

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He’s definitely on the edge alright.

I take it that’s a no. Quelle surprise

The little clique cant handle any alternative opinion to their own.

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Their only way of handling it is by shutting down anything they are unable to debate.

Tfk is on fire. Both sides in the trenches before 7.30am. Let the shelling commence.


Can you remind me, is Pilger a Putin puppet or just a free thinker? It’s hard to keep up. His balanced approach and mention of Ukrainian nazis won’t be popular on here if any one actually reads the article.

The day is almost over sham.

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Just like thelimericks

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Ta for the text message @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy.

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The mob seems the logical, if boring, answer

Everybody knows JFK was shot by his sister in law Kristin.

Yet for years the likes of you would have called me a conspiracy theorist for suggesting there was anyone more than Oswald involved.

It is only logical to question the official narrative. Governments, companies, media etc lie all the time. What you’ve done is go to the other extreme where you’ll believe any bullshit you are told at all by some random cunt on the internet.


Agreed. I was in the gym at 5.45sharp. @Funtime was late again the lazy cunt. #cuttingCorners

Nice. I didn’t arrive to my own until 6.55am. It helps that my office is only 4.5 mins drive from the gym.

What, all I’ve said is question things not blithely follow them like a fool. But you put up a comment yesterday trying to appear funny and jump on saying I was looking at the JFK tapes again, the assassination was actually in all likelihood a pure case of falsehood. Kinda owned yourself there by referencing the best example of why it’s right to be cynical as I’m suggesting. And you thought you’d get a few likes…

Sure we were done and drinking cappucinos and talking shite in the Applegreen by then. Living not existing.


Has the morning gym routine replaced sea swimming as the lifestyle choice for well to do Fingallians?