Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

No. Well to do Fingallians are still hitting the sea and lounging there drinking coffee and talking yoga til 11am. It’s the saps that have to work who need to hit the gym early.


@Thomas_Brady what’s your take on how the war progresses? I know you’ve done a lot of your own research on the area that’s currently in focus and would appreciate your educated opinion.


He’s waiting for @Putincognito367 to give him the real story

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Careful Thomas, I’ve a sneaking suspicion that his request for your opinion is not genuine.


You know what they say about sneaky suspicions…

Hi Bandage. Ive done little to no research on the topic really. I usually just let @Cheasty and the lefty head banger brigade post tonnes of tweets and then look to the centre of these for the truth (centre on the political spectrum, not the screen). It’s a simple formula that even you could manage and apply.


My take would be that it’s now getting to the time when Ukraine need to fire a few strategically placed rockets into Russia.

I know they can’t do this in reality because NATO won’t give them any more weapons, but it certainly would wake up the Russian public.

What about a massive leaflet drop over Moscow? Would that work?

Too invasiony and probably wouldn’t be supported by other countries.
Get russia fully out of Ukraine - cool
Start into russian territory in any way - not cool

How did Putin & his Chinese comrade get on today?

Would probably give Vlad an opportunity for a full mobilisation as well

Sounds like a stand up guy, “no raping or drink now, lads”

I wonder what he said to them when the camera was turned off?

Can we blame the West still?

bit of self serving propaganda there from the external action service. not saying the sanctions arent working but surely saudi, UAE, Qatar, china are ripe for sanctions

this bit rings particularly hollow when you consider which countries are currently not subject to sanctions

“The signal expresses opposition to a state’s conduct – which in this case includes violations of international law and wanton attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure”

Azerbaijan are now surely worth a few sanctions?

not on the scale of others as listed above


its not really and its well you know that it isnt. sanctions clearly work, its a failure of the EU’s foreign policy that theyre not applied to states that they have the levers to bring into line.

then again, what would you expect from the EU version of DFA