Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

All of this is a bit holier than thou and boring.

Give me one country or even individual in history who has a morally pure relationship with others.

That exact same contrarian reasoning as questioning support of x charity cause because whatabout y and z charity causes elsewhere.

the holier than thouing is coming from the EEAS

read their statement

And you’ll get the same from any foreign ministry in history.

You mention a couple of foreign affairs you’ve an issue with. Give me a whiter than white one in the history of the earth.

flawed reasoning there glas. sanctions are there to change abhorrent behaviour. there’s plenty of countries on the sanctions map that are equivalent to what saudi and china are perpetrating.

the reason they arent on the sanctions is because of money oil and in china’s case, the section in the chinese export law that allows them to take retaliatory action

yep, theyre all a bunch of smug fart sniffers

I don’t think the EU is perfect by any means but I think that statement is broadly right and the response of the EU to the watbin Ukraine has been good. I think your response to it is contrarian.

So again, what is the point of your long winded post? Everything is pointless?

You named out several countries there. It is clear why from the Russia experience as to why we don’t have sanctions on every country we don’t agree with.

Actually if I was to think of one pure one it’s maybe the Sakoku isolationist policy of Japan. But who knows what was actually going on there.

It’s so funny how Art has the exact type of mindset Putin loves to promote.

Totally cynical about everything and thus totally gullible about everything.

A mind state of fear, paralysis, total desperation. The end result of that mindset is that everything is wrong, everything is to be railed against. Except conspiracy theories, fascism and genocide.

there’s other countries besides russia that are not sanctioned. the absence of the countries that i mentioned is glaring when you look at some of the other countries that are subject to sanctions.

then again, it may just be realpolitik

whats a watbin?

No it isn’t glaring. The view you are putting forward is a dead end, zero trade or relationships because we all disagree on something.

Sanctions like the ones on Russia for China would grind our trade an economy to a halt.

We already don’t buy a lot of oil from the likes of Saudis but we have to be real on where energy stores are.

it is glaring. but i understand that market realities trump idealism

  • war in

It isn’t glaring.

It’s what been happening since individuals starting dealing with one another but I know you were just being contrarian as per.

There are sanctions on China. There’s probably sanctions on the other ones you’ve listed too. But don’t let facts get in the of your opinion.

of course its glaring, you sanction a country because you want to change their behaviour. but you dont sanction another country engaging in the same behaviour because of trade.

sanctions do work, but trade pays the bills

there’s an unofficial arms embargo on china, but no sanctions. nothing on the saudi coalition

EU Sanctions Map

Aren’t there sanctions on specific Chinese officials? Maybe they’ve lapsed? In which case carry on nothing to see here.

nada, all sanctions are listed on the sanctions map