Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

If Russia starts conscripting every warm body they can find and sending them off to war the Ukrainians will have them shit faster they can put uniforms on them.

An hour from now. I expect it will be long, meandering, expound all sorts of conppiracy bullshit and be exceedingly boring. Putin is a terrible speaker.

Fingers crossed they are pulling out of Ukraine.

Fingers crossed he’ll announce an end to the split season.


We can always hope

This guy :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

I suppose the Russians are trying to declare the captured regions independent states using referendums so that the Ukrainians can’t fire NATO weapons in there.

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Mick Wallace is as bad if you look at his twitter timeline. He’ll get destroyed if he goes for reelection for MEP, albeit i heard from a reliable source that he wont bother going again.


You’d honestly have to wonder what it took for someone to get like that. There’s a good handful on here as sad and angry as him and a few even worse.

Seems to me the most likely reason for the delay in the speech is that Putin will declare full mobilisation for war and he wants the announcement broadcast when all Russian time zones are in daylight hours. It’s mainly the cannon fodder from the east who be affected.

Putin orders ‘mobilisation’ as Ukraine vote planned

What are you on about ? He’s dead fucking right. The western media aren’t to be trusted and we’ve already seen With the grain and the gas the nazis are willing to do a deal with putin if it suits them.

A lot of people think this war is over or have just forgotten about it.

It’s a long road ahead for the Ukrainians and the west could be doing a lot more.

If you think he’s dead right then you need to start worrying about yourself a bit.

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I see where Russian state media have published the results of the referenda in the occupied parts of Ukraine, which are due to happen on Friday.
Have a guess at the results?
Gas fuckers.


Given the amount of giving out people are doing about the cost of living etc. I don’t think there’s a single person who has forgotten the war is on

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I haven’t heard anybody mention it in a few weeks

Putin on the march

Mick Wallace and Clare Daly have hailed the results as vindicating their position

Ewan is just one of thse lads who feels he has to be on the other side the whole time, no matter the subject he’ll find an edgy view on it.

Mick Wallace sadly, has simply been bought.

I’m not sure which is worse, being a stooge out of edginess or for greed