Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Ewan is being vindicated. The western media were celebrating last week like the war is over and now look what we’ve on our hands today.

Would it be much of a shock if the people in these already self declared republics voted with russia, and if they did then surely peace talks and settlements are the obvious way forward?
Anyway, the Ukrainians have stated that they have a right to liberate their territories regardless of the outcome. I’m not sure if this includes liberating the people in those areas?

Paddy Cosgrave is frantically warming up on the sidelines, champing at the bit to get on the field of play. His buddy “Chay” wants to come on as well but isn’t able to tie his own bootlaces.

Russia desperately scrambling to prevent total collapse, yet not able to go for full mobilization because they haven’t the stomach for it in Russia?

Seems like things are going pretty well for the Ukraine really

I’m sure Ukraine would happily enter peace talks once the Russians have withdrawn from their country.

Well loads more people are going to die.

20 eight year olds running round the astro for Juhy Junior’s birthday party? This will be war alright…


Dose them all with Calpol


Calpol infused jelly shots

When you think you’ve dosed them enough dose them some more

It’s insight like this that keeps bringing people back to TFK.

The Russians have carried out literal genocides and mass executions in the cities they have captured, so I doubt a surrender to them would reduce the death count. Arming the Ukrainians to the teeth is probably the best way to keep the death toll down

That’s nice. I suppose peace talks wouldn’t be needed then…not with the russians anyhow? Though peace talks were an option before the invasion…ignored by the west of course, but dont let that spoil your cosy narrative.
Btw- why do you think the areas in question are self declared republics?

I really hope you don’t believe any of the absolute nonsense you post mate.


Your ignorance would be best kept between yourself, karen and breda. I asked you a simple question about these 'self declared republics '. Are you afraid to answer in case the karens abandon you?

I believe the moon is made of cheese, it is up to you to make me believe otherwise

I believe the moon is definitely not made of cheese but you’ve spoiled my cosy narrative that it isn’t.

has geopolitical expert & straight talker @maroonandwhite commented yet


You still haven’t answered a simple question. What are you afraid of? You strike me as the sort of west brit callous dullard who spent a quarter of a century saying there could be no peace talks until the ira surrendered. Comfortable with your cosy moral principle regardless of how many were slaughtered.

If there wasn’t absolute morons lapping up his rubbish then poor old Ewan wouldn’t be long becoming irrelevant, morons are not lacking though

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