Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Why do you think there are self declared republics in ukraine? Why don’t you share your expertise?

Do you read much, or anything, about it before you comment on it?

The absolute state of Russia. @glenshane will probably blame NATO countries for not putting a Marshall Plan to upgrade from fax machines.

I’m not saying that but McKenna is spot on. The country is still at war. The Ukraine are 3 nil down and just pulled 1 goal back.

The western media will try have you believe different.

Where do you get this stuff?

I keep a Twitter list of pro-Russia propagandists. It’s very funny flicking through it and then matching it up against certain posters here.

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Have you turned on sky news or cnn before ?



Do they represent all of “the western media”? Where do you inform yourself? Do you do your own research on Facebook and qanon like Glenshane?

Putin’s “mobilisation”

I think you might be taking the whole self declared republics thing a little bit literally mate.

I read very little about the war as it’s very hard to know what’s true but it’s a fact the Germans are still happy to take putins gas.

You’ve just baldly stated that you read very little about it and don’t know what’s true but yet you feel qualified to comment on it? Do you see any problem with that at all?

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I’m commenting on Ewan’s tweet. He’s dead right.

You do very little commenting on anything yourself other than going around policing the forum for opinions you’ll be able to signal your virtue against

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You don’t know if he’s dead right because you don’t know anything about it. Commenting on something you have just stared you know nothing about is pretty dumb.

What’s your problem now? If people want to have an opinion then they should inform themselves first.

Do you think the war is over ? It’s escalated this morning.

What on earth are you on about? Who said the war was over? Where did they say it?

Should they? Whats the minimum qualification required for posting an opinion on an internet forum according to your rules?

Go away and inform yourself there until your opinion is the same as mine