Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Yeah. Getting simple facts straight for a start.

Noted, carry on officer

Very good comrade.

Can you answer @glenshane question about the self declared republics in Donbas seeing as you’re so well informed?

Its a very difficult question to answer when you’ve put yourself on a moral platform based on your opinion of a conflict

What was his question? I genuinely think he’s a mental so try not to read anything he’s written. The entire international community has said any effort for these regions to self declare their secession from Ukraine is unlawful and nonsense and any purported referendums are laughable. That pretty much sums it up I think.

That’s a fucking belter right there!


No flights out of Russia available :upside_down_face:

The upcoming elections in these self declared republics are to be welcomed. We all want democracy.

why are the areas self declared republics? Remember now, they did this in 2014

Pretence I’d say. What do you think?

that’s not an answer.

You haven’t really thought any of this through. Its probably the first you’ve heard of it.

There are people in Ukraine who feel attached to Russia…and? That’s neither nuanced or insightful.

Of course it’s an answer. It’s a fiction. Their declarations are not recognised by anyone.

again that’s not an answer, the question was why are there seperatists in Eastern Ukraine?

No that wasn’t your question. Why are there separatists in Barcelona? Whats your point?

I didn’t ask the question. Glenshane asked why are there self declared republics in Eastern Ukraine. Nobody has answered.

Because they don’t identify as being Spanish, they have their own culture and heritage and want to separate from a Spanish government they feel is stealing their wealth and culture. They are subjugated and beaten by Spanish authorities regularly when they try and hold any democratic process to strengthen their independence, which they declared a few years ago