Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

@estebandaface and @glenshane will be along shortly to ask us why upwards of 75% of the populations of these areas want to be part of Russia. Once the votes have been counted I mean.

You’re some dullard. In 2014 96% of people in crimea voted to join russia. Wtf do you need an exit poll for?
Jesus wept.

It’s hard to tell sometimes but are you actually for real?

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Are you seriously denying that these russian speaking people wanted to become part of russia?
Stop being such a baby. You cant expect an entire population to erase history just so some mundane woke narcissistic plodder wants everything to tessalate with his silliness

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What about the English speaking people of Ireland? I think the British should invade again and take back what is culturally and linguistically theirs, incorporate it into a New Britain. There will be a few independent Gaeltacht republics on the island afterwards.

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Hitler was alive a little over 28,000 days ago.

Shur have a referendum or something. Was that supposed to he an intelligent argument you were making there?

No, what I’m asking about is the Crimea “referendum” in 2014 that you referenced. It was supposedly 97% by the way. Do you actually think it’s credible? If so I have some magic beans you might be interested in.

and strangely, in the parliamentary election in 2012, the russian unity party onlt got 4% of the vote.

then again, there wasnt spetsnaz troops around in crimea in 2012 and only people with ukranian passports could vote, unlike 2014 when anyone with a russian passport could vote

so the 2012 election wasn’t legal either considering Chrimea is made up of 65% Russians and 15% Ukrainians based on 2014 census data in 2001 is was 60%/24%?

perhaps you could point to the particular section in the ukranian civil code which renders the 2012 election illegal?

Again, are you actually for real?

Ye are deciding on the legality of elections here, not me. Wasn’t there huge civil unrest around those elections in Kyiv?

Are you disputing the demographics of Chrimea? That’s factual

You just can’t help being an asshole can you

a ramble

The country was rife with corruption and bad faith even then. There were more parties Pro Russia than the one you hand picked.

The Ukrainian government was overthrown in 2014. This war has been going on since then

Yanukovych was caught between a rock and a hard place, the Ukrainian West wanted closer ties with EU and the South and East with Russia. Both Russia and EU/America were putting political pressure on him and he chose Russia. Maidan happened then

I’ve said many times Russia I blame Russia for the conflict and they were 100% the aggressors, they entered the Ukraine under false pretences when their influence was removed from Kiev, but the EU/America had been pushing for political change in the Ukraine for a long time, it’s obviously strategically important, possibly because of the resources and gas, especially in the East.

I don’t know why people are so emotionally attached to this invasion and not others.

When the US invaded parts of the middle East it wasn’t because of Weapons of Mass destruction. It was to control resources, to put political influence in a place of strategic importance

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No mate, the international community has decided on the legality of elections. Simple facts. Results of the “referendums” going on in the coming days will not be legitimate, fake. Head the ball above referred to the 2014 “referendum”, not legitimate, fake. Self-declarations of independent republics you went on about yesterday, not legitimate, fake, pretend, fantasy, not accepted by anyone except Putin. This is all really simple scratch the surface stuff.

In all honesty, does it not give you pause for thought when you refer to things that only Putin and Russia accept as being true?

“Ireland is made up of 99% English and 1% Irish based on 2021 census data.”

They are controlled by separatists mate. Thats the truth, you or they or Putin can call it what they like. It doesn’t matter.

Those regions are controlled by separatists and have been since 2014, you’ve been hung up and offended by words for two days now and haven’t contributed a single thing to the conversation bar being exasperated

Who funds them?

Russia and arms them. Same as the EU and America fund and arm separatists and beligerents where it suits them to politically do so

Again, I don’t understand the hysterical emotional reaction to this one