Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

When did these Separatists start their causes?

Read about it yourself, I’ve said it above many times.

Don’t be a gobdaw.

Putin has caused all this to feather his own interests.

It’s as simple as that

Are they? Were they not recently controlled by Russian occupying forces? How much of them has been taken back by Ukraine?

Which or whether, you repeatedly stated that the reality is that they are self declared republics. That is only accepted by putin, no one can else. Do you ever stop to think why you keep stating something that only putin accepts?

because they are self declared republics. You thick fucker. That doesn’t make them legitimate or mean I think they are legitimate. Again, trying to bring it back to words to take the moral high ground…

When the Soviet Union was broken up and Ukraine formed did they get straight to work?

Christ you’re a simpleton… you can fuck off anyway

I’m intrigued, you seem an expert

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Ok Angela Lansbury

If I declare my back garden a republic does that make it a self declared republic? That’s essentially what you’re saying.

On 21 February 2022, Russia recognised Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states. The Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) are self-proclaimed states in Eastern Ukraine. Following Russia’s annexation of Crimea in March 2014

here @glasagusban from a neutral source

Just so’s we aren’t arguing over words. I don’t recognise their independence either…

If it easies you state of offence I’ll refer to them as “self-proclaimed states” or “self-declared republics” in future

It actually does yeah, if your back garden was already a state, you fucking ape

Ah. So because Donetsk and Luhansk weren’t already a state, they don’t qualify by your criteria?

Just stop talking now for your own benefit

this is what you’re dealing with. I quoted it so he couldn’t weasel out of it when he realises

do you get all your opinion on international and ukranian legal matters from a solicitor working for pembrokeshire coiunty council?

I was down the pub last week reading the paper while having a pint, minding my own business, and a fella I didn’t know approached me uninvited and asked whether I thought the earth is flat. I replied “No, obviously the earth isn’t flat, as has been categorically established by science and observation from space.”

He then shouted “You’re a wind up. This is the idiocy I have to deal with every day. You’re a moron. Just stop talking for your own benefit, you fucking ape.”

I quickly moved away from him.

no mate, i was making conciliatory moves with glas so he could get over the use of the term, he seems like a lefty leaning sort of chap and he said “self-proclaimed” without wetting himself

is anything in the blog incorrect, Matlock?

‘He works for a county council. Nothing he says can be right’

Thats what youre dealing with. A person’s (them/they) whole life neatly wrapped up by his job title.


For my sins I clicked on it. If I were marking it in an exam it would probably get a 2.2. It’s a blog post by some lad that looks about 20 with a link to his LinkedIn profile. If this is the level of support you’re finding for your opinions no wonder you find yourself stating things that are contested by everyone except Russia and calling “the reality on the ground”.

Two men and a dog just declared cork an independent republic. Esteban: “cork is an independent republic, that’s the reality on the ground.”