Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

it really is bizarre.

Strange behaviour, but not unusual.

It’s great for Shaney that he’s finally found a playmate.

That’s tragic.

I see Mickey Martin giving an aul speech there amongst the UN. Looking for a promotion of course in a couple of years time maybe with the EU.

Does he not realise we are a neutral country?

Stalin wouldn’t have put up with that shenanigans

FFG are hell bent on signing us up to NATO. Whatever about our neutrality, i don’t know why we need to be a member of that murderous war mongering organisation.


The war would be over for ye FCA lads

I’m guessing but my hunch is the war will be over fairly soon. This is embarrassing stuff from the Russians.

Putin will be gone by Christmas

You’re some man all the same

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We won’t make it to Christmas

I’d say a month max.

The hypocrisy is off the charts. One could argue the war in Ukraine is now between the West and Russia. Fullstop.

Don’t get me wrong Russia were wrong to invade but where is the end game to this?

Simon Coveney won’t be on the frontline anyway the fucking cunt. His brother Rory Coveney directing RTE won’t be either I’d imagine.


We’ll be absolutely fine mate. We’re a savagely rich country sure.

Rich in FDI corporation tax receipts, for now anyway.

What are you on about mate?

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