Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

He’s on the money.

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Look mate, unfortunately propaganda works both ways.

The UK and the US along with NATO are arming the Ukrainians.They have done so very effectively.

That is being perceived as serious agression from NATO and the West vs Russia.

It literally is a proxy war now.

What propaganda? What are you on about? The EU is also funding Ukraine. Including Ireland, except we’re only funding non-lethal support. It’s not aggression. It’s been the right thing to do and it has proved the right thing to do.

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I’m all for for peace by the way. @glasagusban

Every single person dying on both sides is being terribly wronged in my opinion.

It’s very funny the way you feel the need to keep saying that

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None of us have a clue mate. There is savage geopolitical stuff going on. No offence but you seem to think everythng is a black and white matter.

The truth is nearly always in between mate.

Why so, mate?

I’ve no idea what you’re on about. What does propaganda works both ways mean in this context? Can you be specific? The west is not at war with Russia. The west is arming Ukraine, which is at war with Russia. Those two things are different.

In fairness glas, non lethal support was an is a total fucking cop out and cowardly sleveen politics.


America has always been at war with Russia. You could argue the greatest influence in the west is at war with Russia.

I’ll put it to you plainly as you’re covering your ears here, mate.

And for what its worth I like you as a poster and a person.

If you are arming an army against me - you are at war with me mate. That is whats going on right now in Ukraine.

Putin has fucked up big time but the US and the Brits are no angels when it comes to that and have a far worse record over the last number of years.


They’ve been pointing the finger at the UK since the middle of the week.

Some of the rhetoric on BBC4 radio in particular was strong.

So you’re saying the West shouldn’t have bothered arming Ukraine and let Russia run roughshod over them?

The west should have stuck to their agreements from the end of the cold war.

I’ll say it again the invasion was totally wrong but this invasion didn’t happen overnight.

It’s easy say that with the benefit of hindsight. When Russia was amassing troops on it’s borders with Ukraine, what was the West supposed to do then? Stand idly by?

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Agree but the Greens had it in the programme for government. We still fund the Ukrainian military but they use our money to pay for non lethal stuff. A fudge.

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Are you taking the piss now?

Team America have been closing in on their borders for years mate.

All of course initiated by Russia invading a Sovereign neighbouring nation to help out some separatists.

I like you too as a poster and a person too pal!

I’m not being smart with you now, that might be how you perceive it, but it’s not the case. The laws between countries on war are quite clear. Arming Ukraine is not war, sanctions are not war. And NATO and Russia both are being very careful to toe the line.

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Sovereign nations in eastern Europe chose to join Nato. They weren’t coerced or forced into doing so but yes it was wrong of America to renege on the agreement made with Gorbachev.

Again, I ask, do you disagree with the West arming Ukraine since the beginning of this invasoon by Russia?