Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I disagree with the EU arming Ukraine. The EU is not a military alliance and have no business arming an non Union nation. Why is all this precedent being set for the Ukraine? If NATO want to arm them, that’s up to them, but it’s not up to the EU to arm anybody

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We don’t need to be a military alliance to fund arms.


True. We’re not far off a very dangerous type of war though. If you corner them etc, its a tricky one to be honest but as I was saying from the start of this. Get them to the table to talk peace.

There will be no winners in a long war. Diplomacy is key.

So you’re happy to be a legitimate target because of it?

We’re not.

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Russia has been offered peace at every single turn. It’s there for them tomorrow if they want to take it.

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the EU is making itself a military force with their choices. Bury your head all you want

Russia will see the EU as a legitimate target

I do disagree with the west arming Ukraine as it is only going to lead to more people dying needlessly for people who couldnt give a bollocks about them on both sides.

Hold on a minute. I’ve no issue with soverign nations in eastern europe joining NATO. I just said Russia would have an issue with Ukraine particularly given their proximity to them. Its an obvious one and something that was agreed post cold war.


Yeah, they like totally seek it out and the US has nothing to do with it. Like the US circling China with bases and weapons - it’s all these other small countries doing it off their own back :smiley:

yes, yes you are. It’s actually funny how wrong you’ve been about everything

, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov issued a warning to the West that could lead to a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO.

“We warned the United States that pumping Ukraine with weapons from a number of countries orchestrated by them is not just a dangerous move, but an action that turns the corresponding convoys into legitimate targets,” the deputy minister said, according to comments reported by Russia’s state news agency TASS.

So you’re willing to let a despot do as he pleases based on a unverifiable opinion that more lives would be spared? When that happened before then the mistake was soon realised, and tens of millions died.

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They armed Saddam Hussain mate, armed him and enabled him for years, until they didn’t want to, then wiped him out. A fair few people died there.

All sorts of precedents are being set here by the EU for a non EU nation

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No. Negotiate…diplomacy, broker talks, promote agreements already in place, not profiteer, seed revolt, coups, assassinations etc

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You’re missing the point mate. I want a peace deal to be done asap.

I think all sides in this are scumbag cunts of the highest order. In terms of leadership.

They don’t end up doing the dying.

which they did, they negotiated the minsk agreements with the EU- which both sides agreed to and then trampled over

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It really is gas to see lads trotting out the same oul’ bullshit pro-Russian arguments that were discredited long ago, just to try and get a rise out of people.

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Exacty. Its the only way and it will happen eventually.

There is genuine concern at high (and serious) levels of govt (ie not idiots like Liz Truss) that Putin may use a tactical nuclear warhead in Ukraine. There is very little concern that he will ensure his own obliteration by using one on the EU, or anywhere else. The big question if he did or does use one on Ukraine, is what would the west do about it.

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