Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Put it this way to lads who want to arm the Ukrainans further via NATO, if some sort of peace agreement was done and it saved one life, surely it would be worth it???

Isnt it clear Russia don’t have a hope of ever dreaming of taking on a NATO soverign country?

it’s like having a shooting match in a fireworks factory over there. isn’t there something like 15 nuclear reactors in the Ukraine ?

There are several. I don’t think Putin is overly bothered what happens to them, though he should be.

Were the Ukrainian forces shelling near a nuclear power plant lately as well. The truths in the middle probably most likely.

Talk that the Russians could use a tactical nuclear missile but who knows. Its worrying in fairness.

the US are backing Taiwan too against China… that’s on a knife edge at the moment. I reckon China are going to go soon enough

This wind up is getting silly now


Ah stop

How many European leaders met Putin to try & talk him down but he ignored all before invading.

Diplomacy me hoop

15k people have died between 2014 and 2022, before the Russian invasion. Russia and Ukraine agreed to a ceasefire in 2014. Both sides trampled all over it.

Zelensky appealed for Ukraine to join Nato in 2021 and within a few months Russia were mobilizing troops on the border

Russia have been the aggressor in Ukraine since 2014, when the pro Russian government was ousted. But this area is obviously strategically important for both sides, otherwise the NATO/US/Britain would turn a blind eye, like they have many times

No joke. Did the lockdowns have an impact I wonder in terms of relations etc.

I thought the number from 2014 was far higher than that.

nobdoy really knows but that’s a conservative estimate… but the conflict has been pretty intense all the time since then… I don’t know why Europe has decided to react the way it has now

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You should have just stopped there. Stopped clock and all that.

that’s not how time works son


I’ll say it again, I have savaage sympathy for both sides here in terms of who has to show up on the day and fight.

It makes a bit of a mockery of the UN too since they’ve just told Mickey Martin to piss off.

It needs serious people at hands from both sides in terms of diplpmacy. It really is an open ended war otherwise.

It has been since 2014

Its up a notch now, mate.

Of course it’s an open ended war in the same way World War II was an open ended war. You either win or lose. There is no diplomacy nor should there be. There’s no compromising with naked evil. End of.

Nail on the head. The only difference is Putin has nearly six thousand nuclear missiles.