Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The west has a hell of a lot more nuclear ability. It won’t use it first. But it can use it.

Putin is not suicidal. Putin is desperate to survive. Putin is almost certainly bluffing. And Putin almost certainly does not control Russia’s nuclear weapons by himself.

Nuclear threats should be treated as a matter of the utmost seriousness. They only dramatically increase the imperative for total Russian defeat.

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Javelins were to 2022 what ventilators were to 2019.
Karen, breda and harry smell blood. Arm them with a few stock phrases and they’re insatiable. Look at glas pedantically defending his ignorance, harry bizarrely feigning wisdom. It’s actually ludicrous

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Ah here. Have you been watching Pravda?


You’re backing yourself up with quotes from the Russian foreign minister. Do you see any issues with this at all? Any reason he might have said this? You also said making “us” a legitimate target. We are neither a legitimate target nor even an arms convoy.

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Why in the fuck are Ukraine scumbags of the highest order? Would you ever cop on a bit.

The boys are on an elaborate windup. Best ignored

Torture, rape of children, mass graves in occupied territories and repeated declarations of “wiping out” the existence of Ukraine and this fucking yahoo “disagrees” with arming the Ukrainians. Jesus fucking wept.

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Ask amnesty International…or are they russian propagandists as well?

You mean the report they apologised for?

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In 2016, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch received several credible allegations of abuse and torture by the regiment.[223] Reports published by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) documented looting of civilian homes and unlawful detention and torture of civilians between September 2014 and February 2015 “by Ukrainian armed forces and the Azov regiment in and around Shyrokyne”.[224][225]

Another OHCHR report documented an instance of rape and torture, writing: “A man with a mental disability was subject to cruel treatment, rape and other forms of sexual violence by 8 to 10 members of the ‘Azov’ and ‘Donbas’ (another Ukrainian battalion) battalions in August–September 2014. The victim’s health subsequently deteriorated and he was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.”[225] A report from January 2015 stated that a Donetsk Republic supporter was detained and tortured with electricity and waterboarding and struck repeatedly on his genitals, which resulted in his confessing to spying for pro-Russian militants.[225]: 20

Nothing to see hear. Russians bad, Ukrainians good, CNN told us so, so it must be true.

What’s your point exactly? Let Russia do whatever they want to Ukraine because of the actions of some scumbag soldiers 8 years ago?

Why did you cherry pick a report from 2022?

Don’t engage with these lads. They’re on a wind up.

They are being armed because Ukraine are an independent country attacked by a far larger one. No weapons, no Ukraine.

You aren’t for peace, you’re being contrarian.


Because that’s the year we are currently in?

These “everyone should meet in the middle and have a big group hug” fuckers are the worst.

If Russia invaded Ireland I wonder do these lads think the EU should send us guns? Or would they be the first ones out welcoming the Russians because they’re all for peace?

When he is talking about legitimate targets? Can you not see how Russia could make EU a legitimate target?

Whats the problem with quoting somebody? Have you cancelled Russia?

Ukraine isnt in the EU