Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

These videos online of the mobilized old lads are fucking hilarious - most of them are drunk and come across as simpletons. Putin is literally using this war to rid Russia of every rural simpleton he can find.

So what? Should the US send us guns do you think?

Should the EU send guns to every conflict?

What a pointless fucking reply. Whose worthless fucking alt is this exactly?

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Rules are quite clear on what legitimate targets are and what acts of war are. You’re just making things up?

What’s wrong with quoting a Russian politician to support your argument? Are you actually for real?

Ones that are on their border and that threaten the security of the E.U.? Certainly.

They haven’t done before.

Before the bed wetters piss themselves.

I have no problem with Ukraine being armed, they should be helped, but by NATO or individual states. I don’t think the EU should be doing it

No. You picked it because you don’t like the reports of torture, kidnapping, human rights abuses etc. You’d prefer to deny etc

You really are just trying to be a contrarian arsehole. You have had every fact entirely arseways start to finish. You’ve a bee in your bonnet so you’ll keep it no doubt.

I’ve no doubt that a few elements within the Ukraine army have infrequently engaged in torture and summary executions.

The only one getting contrary is you

What about the government over the last decade or so?

The emotional reaction to this conflict really is bizarre.

You obviously have no idea of what’s going on in the region.

Yeah, shure only an idiot would get in any way emotional about a genocide happening. Being emotional about genocide is a classic example of the feminisation of the west, as you say.

We should forget about the hundreds of thousands dead and the millions displaced and the destruction of a country. Let’s be calm and rational about all these victims and treat them as the meaningless and worthless statistics they are.

Iraq, Ethiopia, Sudan, China, Syria, Myanmar

Atrocities are happening there but you wouldn’t really hear a peep. Should the EU send weapons there and grant temporary protection to those non EU places?

People of colour don’t count. You’re hardly gonna out their flag up on your snapp chat.

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One of the narratives of youse lifestyle contrarians always run with is that the west should always keep its business out of what’s happening far away.

But this isn’t happening far away. It’s happening right beside us, in a country which aspires to join the EU, in a country where what happens directly and greatly affects all of us, in Europe.

You clearly believe the west should completely abandon Ukraine. Why?

You are totally ignorant of the lessons of World War II. To you, the lesson of World War II was not “never again”, it was “let it happen again, on our doorstep”.

And you will find use literally any Ewanist narrative to defend allowing today’s Nazis to do what the original Nazis did.

And then you shriek like an outraged toddler when the reality of what you are saying is pointed out to you.

Chechnya, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Former Yugoslavia.

I don’t remember Europe reacting like this. Its unusual

You give me a list of which conflicts the west should involve itself in and which it shouldn’t. And explain why.