Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Once again, Ukraine is on the border of the EU; those countries are not. It’s really that simple.

OK, Ewan, you give me a list of which conflicts throughout the world the west should involve itself in - and to what degree - and which it shouldn’t.

And explain why. Give reasons.

Do you not know where yugoslavia was ?

These fuckers performatively rail against any involvement in non-European conflicts. And then they use that “logic” to justify letting the monsters on our doorstep destroy our own continent.

Imbeciles like Brady and Ewandaface won’t be happy until Putin is ruling us.

Yes mate; NATO was heavily involved in the Yugoslavia conflict, the same way they are heavily involved in the Ukraine conflict.

Im specifically talking about the EU. The EU should only involve itself in a military capacity when member states are involved. Any other aid, fine. It should be left to NATO and individual states to decide on military support. In my opinion

The EU weren’t, which is my point. Are ye genuinely this thick or are ye hamming it up?

They only got belatedly involved in 1994 and 1995, and long after they should have been.

The lessons of that have been sort of learned and in greater part not learned.

What’s your opinion based on? Any facts at all or just something you picked out of your hole?

The EU is not involved in a military capacity. Individual EU states are.

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The vast majority of EU countries are in NATO - fuck knows where you are going with this, or how it says anything about the current conflict.

And the whole thing is being run by NATO, for anyone that has been paying attention.

Look at the reaction.

I don’t think the EU should militarize for ANY non member state. It isn’t even that controversial of an opinion and a few lads are gone bananas

You’re the fella running with the ‘few bad apples’ poultice

Ewandaface doesn’t even have a clue what he’s arguing here. It’s obvious he wants Ukraine to be completely abandoned based on the lifestyle contrarian “logic” of the online idiot, the mindset of that former sportswriter from Kildare.

He doesn’t even have the gumption to say what he really thinks because he knows that what he really thinks would sound really bad. Because it is really bad.

Not correct.

Flesh that out.

This is what the Ewanists call “real democracy”.

The Brits could march into Dungiven with their machine guns this afternoon and force @glenshane’s relations to vote DUP, and Shaney would tell us all that was real democracy.

Voluntary toutism.

If Putin has his way in Ukraine and then heads for the Baltics. What happene then?

No, just that you need to take off the blinkers and see the bigger picture.