Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

If a member state is attacked the EU should mobilize its full military capacity as a union.

It should leave military issues outside the union to NATO and individual member states, in my opinion

Ah that’s great, thanks for the clarification there mate. I’ll have a look at the “bigger picture” there alright mate, cheers.

NATO have done the vast majority of the heavy-lifting in terms of military, lets be honest; EU have been focused on sanctions.

They should surrender for the sake of peace. They shouldn’t expect any help from anyone else either. None of our business.

The EU has funded a few billion worth to the Ukrainian army at this stage.

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The EU have given unrpecedented military aid to Ukraine. You are a spectacular dullard

They’re talking about training the Ukrainian army too.

I don’t think its a good idea for the EU to militarise and become a global super power. Stick to trade

Previous Russian leaning governments never used force against their citizens?

Fair enough.

They have been left with no choice - what countries do you think will be next if Russia had taken over Ukraine?

What if the EU decide to secure other political intetests using military supports or force?

Hypotheticals work both ways?

Yeah, let’s just let the Russians walk in and not fight back.

Russia has already demonstrated what it thinks of weakness. So has China.

You either live in the real world or you don’t.

These are not some benign anti-imperial regimes. They’re a clear and present threat to the world. You either stand the fuck up to them or they will walk all over you.

The EU has the mechanisms to fund Ukraine across a whole set of aims including military. It’s only right that they do so as it impacts of the bloc and Russia will look to badger it further down the road.


Just another whataboutism. Ukraine could never join NATO due to the Crimea annexation and if they did want to join that would be their prerogative as an independent nation. Russia’s invasion is imperialism and a dictator’s megalomania under a bullshit NATO encroachment pretext.

Putin is fucked. The forums headbangers will be putting in some long shifts in the coming weeks


I doubt you’re capable to be honest. The world is all black or white with the likes of you. Taking a more nuanced view is beyond you I suspect.

There are hoops that the EU have to jump through to provide support. Do you know the ins and outs of the European Peace Facility?

You’re verging into Kremlin and Brexiteer propaganda on the EU.

Is it the Rothschilds or Soros mate?

Of all the aid, this was the most important.

The new one now is that Soros is behind the protests in Iran.

Zelensky and Soros are both Jewish you know - the “bigger picture”.