Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The Jewish “question”, as Jordan Peterson spoke of.

They’ll blame Hego


Zelenskyy is also a Russophone and polled highly in Russian speaking areas of Ukraine. Apparently his Ukrainian was absolutely muck until he got into politics.

A Nazi who wanted to wipe Russian influence out of Ukraine though. :rofl:

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I don’t know the ins and outs of it but that seems to be the mechanism they can use to get involved in global conflicts

Did member states vote on it?

Its a fairly significant paradigm shift for the EU

Are you arguing with the voices in your head or what?

No mate. “The EU” went off and did it without anyone’s by your leave. Faceless bureaucrats in Brussels starting wars in our name. Ireland should leave the EU.

Of course they did, that is the principle of the EU. They’ve already provided support to other countries.

It would be really helpful when people talk about this stuff that they are informed on it. This is Brexiteer talk. There are criticisms of the EU to be made but the reality and major problem with it generally has always been it’s inability to act cohesively.

Its off budget and the council decided it in March last year. Is that not worrying to you? The EU now has the mechamisms to militarise where it sees the need to? They can send an EU army through this mechanism.

Isn’t that what NATO already does ?

@Tim_Riggins if EU decided to send troops to Ukraine would Ireland have to or is or neutrality upheld ?

The council is the heads of state of every member state. The countries of the EU all agreed to it individually, including Ireland. My post above was being sarcastic you see.

And no, they can’t.

Here are all of the details for you.

I know you were. It seems like an extraordinary mechanism to implement without having a vote on it. I don’t think the European council should wield that type of power without voting on it, like the Lisbon treaty

It ain’t black & white

So now you want to roll back the European treaties.

I don’t in the least. I don’t know how you got there.

I think a decision to militarise the EU is bigger than deciding it in the council. The treaties didn’t take away autonomy but decisions like this from the council are worrying.

Would you not liked to have had a vote on whether or not the European Union had mechanisms to provide military support wherever it wants?

As I said, NATO already exists and individual states have those mechanisms to do so, should they wish

You’ve said you want a vote on something that the council has competency to decide. So you want to roll back the treaties that are already there. Be specific.

You said above the EU could send an army. No it can’t. That’s sentationalist nonsense. Stop making things up and getting your feathers in a flap.


The EU can send an army

I want a vote on a clear shift in strategy within the Union my country is a member state in yes.

No it can’t. Stop making up nonsense. Inform yourself for once before talking through your hole.

How can the EU send something that doesn’t even fucking exist?

by using the Common Security Defence Policy. the Irish Defence forces have done missions with them already. Peace keeping missions. The EPF provides a mechanism to send troops from member states

This decision to militarise the EU basically gives the Union access to the same military numbers as the USA. Instead of team America World Police the EU now has the capability to get involved in any conflict it deems fit to do so.