Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

No it doesn’t, you’re making up complete nonsense again.

the common costs of CSDP missions having military or defence implications (in
accordance with Articles 42(4) and 43(2) of the Treaty on European Union (TEU);
assistance measures for third states, or regional or international (e.g. United Nations)
organisations, adopted in accordance with Articles 28 and 30 TEU, either
strengthening military and defence capacities, (including through the provision of
arms); or
supporting the military aspects of peace support operations.

do you ever tire of being wrong?

The European Union has been militarised, but that’s grand… let them off

All wrong. All outlandish, made up nonsense. You are a conspiracy theorist.

Instead of jumping to wrong conclusions about things, you could ask, I would be happy to explain them to you.

Lord above.

The arrogance is dripping off you

I’m not a conspiracy theorist at all. The mechanisms now exist for the EU to be able to do everything i have stated, through the CSDP and EPF

They have military capability, its how they can send guns to the Ukraine. They could send troops if things go south, member states would have to volunteer to that but they’d be going through the EU.

Those again are facts. The capabilities exist

A conspiracy theorist would think the EU will start wars which is what you seem to think i think. I don’t.

I just don’t think its a good idea to militarise the union.

You’re such an outrage junkie you make a spectacular fool of yourself, quite regularly

: “Europe can no longer afford to piggy back on the military might of others. We have to take responsibility for protecting our interests and the European way of life. It is only by working together that Europe will be able to defend itself at home and abroad.” the head of the European commission said that in 2016… would you agree with that?

What exactly is the European way of life? I don’t consider myself European

I would.

He’d hardly be this mental, would he? Imagine trying to cut off the booze at a time like this.

Actually do you know what @glasagusban don’t bother.

You’ll just pick whatever bit of that post you think responding to will allow you to signal your virtue and respond to that, ignoring the rest.

This is pointless

Too feminised for you?

As predicted.

Its ok for me to have different opinions than you, if you want to be a prick because of that go ahead.

It must be dreadful having to be so outraged all the time

Ireland needs to leave the EU.

You can have a different opinion if you inform yourself. What you’re not entitled to do is to is get facts completely wrong, make things up, misrunderstand or misepresent facts, and base your opinion on that and think it’s valid. You do this all the time, you consistently have very basic facts wrong and jump to wrong conclusions. Feeling entitled to make things up and to base your opinions on alternative facts is just trump supporter level nonsense.

If your opinion is based on nonsense that you’ve made up it is not valid.

Do you consider yourself European?

What facts have i gotten wrong mate?

Are you still annoyed you got the self declared thing so wrong, is that it?

Arrogance absolutely dripping clean off you.

The narcisism is incredible

The feminists actually agree with me on this one

The line there about europes imperial, violent and colonial roots would chill you to your bones

“The feminists agree with me”. All feminists. Singular.

Everything is black and white with these lads.

Pun Reaction GIF

Another one line pick out to signal virtue.

The permantly outraged are very predictable
